The Differences between Men and Women

Men and women differ in many ways. The basic knowledge known by all people is that gender differences differ only in physical appearances and culture. For example men are usually taller than women or as some cultures differ a women has to be as good as men to survive in this world. But the correct way of putting a differentiation between these two genders are the differences not only physically but in aptitude, skill and behavior.

The fact goes on about how women are more sociable and more flexible with their natural nurture and care to others back in the days.

Yet these facts still goes on but another issue about women has been seen through out the year which is none other than the fact that they have more motivation to achieve in something rather than letting the men deal with all the worries. In a college or any institute of education, we see the women achieving more success. Successes in education nowadays are depended on the writing skills also in verbal communication skills.

It is believed that, women are better in these areas.

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On the other hand, it is said that men are more aggressive either physically or verbally. They also love taking risks. We see our brothers or male cousins or even our uncles and fathers playing the play station or the Xbox ,fighting games enjoying all the aggressiveness in them and having to dare each other and taking risks. It is also a proven fact that men are convicted in crimes more than women especially in violence crimes.

As we all know, gender also differs in terms of biologically issues.

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Biologically, women are more of the stronger sex than the men. The men are weaker. In recent years of studies, biologically sex differences have been found that the brain of an average men has around 4% more cells and 100 grams more brain tissue than an average female brain [Wikipedia,2006] It is also known that the brains of a male is 10% more lager than the female brains but women have more nerve cells in certain areas. Women also tend to have a larger corpus collusum - the group of nerve fibers that connects left and right hemispheres.[Joanna,2006] It is said that it makes the women transfer data's more faster than men which results flexibility and multitasking in women. Men are usually left-brain oriented [Joanna,2006] which results that men are better at solving abstract equations and problems.

The biggest issue that differs among women and men are the fact that men seem to find it much easier to visualize. They have the way of going through dimensions and relatively heights and objects. There are studies shown that ¼ women have succeeded in outperforming the men in visualizing which shows that women can be as good as men. These two genders are of the same creation of species called humans. In general basis, it is said that an average men is taller and heavier than an average women. In sports, men are more likely the stronger ones than women in strength and speed. What about managing and leading?

Typically when comparing a manager or a leader, it is framed up into the command and control style of both genders and the team building and consensus approaches. "_Women_ _managers tend to have more of a desire to build than a desire to win_" says Debra Burrell, a psychological social worker and regional training director of the Mars-Venus Institute in New York. "_Women are more willing to explore compromise and to solicit other people's opinions._" [Joanna,2006] Also according to Burrell, men would often think they will under estimated by they're workers or employees if they'd ask others for advice. She said that these men would probably perceive as an unsure leader who doesn't have answers.

Women are typically proven that their strengths differ in many ways from the men's. Women tend to be better at empowering staff than do of men. Women are easily to comprise and easier to confront with their openness and more accessible confrontation. Women leaders are known to be of the more assistance than the men in the matter of efficiency. Women have the sense of handling a diversity management with their tolerance and understanding. They can easily identify a particular problem and case more accurately. In terms of giving a fast and effective feedback, women tend to be better at defining them at job expectations.

On the other hand, men are straight forward human beings that have more confident and tend to be the decision-makers compared to women. Male managers are also more adept at forming "navigational relationships," that is, temporary teams set up to achieve short-term goals, says management psychologist Ken Siegel, whose Los Angeles firm, the Impact Group, works with executives to develop leadership. [Joanna,2006] It is also a known fact that women are more cooperative than men.

However, even though these two genders differ in many ways, it is proven that both female and male are successors with their own capabilities and skills.


Before one seeks to determine which gender makes better managers, and which gender makes better leaders, the fundamental step is to firstly clarify the distinction between the role of a manager and a leader. The term 'manager' and 'leader' have often been used interchangeably and carelessly presumed to be synonymous with one other. However, there are fundamental differences between the characteristics, roles, and features that are expected of managers and leaders that draw a unique contrast between both positions.

Managers are often identified as those appointed and put into a position that requires them to write business plans, set budgets and monitor progress (Robbins & Decenzo, 2001). Principally administrators, they often work within established guidelines and use their formal authority to control and ensure their subordinates achieve the tasks and goals at hand. Managers mostly use a transactional style whereby they tell subordinates what to do and motivate them to do it through their legitimate power of providing reward or punishment.

They are also concern with the problem at hand and focus on what needs to be done. Being in a managerial position, one usually understands and applies corporate procedures and standards of the department to consistently produce error-free results within the constraints of time and money. He or she ensures the team is striving to achieve results and overcome obstacles before seeking support (Sweeney, 2001). Managers have often been found in studies to be more conventional and seeking stability and control. The description of a manager can be summarized as being a captain, an analyst, a controller, and a conductor (Zimmerman, 2001).

Leaders on the other hand, are those that either are formally appointed or could be one emerging from within a group (Robbins & Decenzo, 2001). Leaders are the ones that establish direction and vision when creating an agenda and successively work to align people behind that vision. Their ability to influence and motivate others is not so much through the legitimate power that managers possess but rather through referent power whereby they have followers rather than subordinates.

In contrast to the manager's role of directing, monitoring, and supervising subordinates to minimize deviation and produce predictable results, leaders seek to engage and support others in the company to empower and energize them to release their skills effectively, be willing to take risks, and run along with the vision and goals (Hart & Waisman, 2005). Those in the leadership position are comfortable with taking risks and do not mind breaking conventional rules and predictable routes of the corporation to achieve better results. Thus, a leader can be described in summary as a visionary, a collaborator, a negotiator, and a sales-person (Zimmerman, 2001).

However, in today's ever dynamic business environment, corporations are constantly seeking to improve the capabilities and skills of their workforce to increase productivity. Managers today are now trained and probed to take up the characteristics, mind-sets, and roles of a leader as well as maintain their present competencies. Thus, the best elements of both disciplines have been combined to produce optimum results and the line of distinction between the two is now often blurred. Therefore, the fact that managers today now possess both the features of a manager and a leader, and vice versa, needs to be taken into consideration when identifying whether males or females make better managers and leaders.


There are always arguments that who will make better managers either males or females. Therefore there are researchers who investigate whether males or females will be better managers. Researches have shown that women are more willing to explore compromise and to solicit other people's opinion. This is because, women might try to sit down and figure out which solutions will best suits the problems and they will think about the consequences which the decision they choose. Women will take their time to listen to their staffs' opinions and other people opinion and then make judgments of other people opinions.

Besides that, women are better at making the staff feel organized and rewarded. This might be the nurture of every woman because they are good at appreciating their staff and make them feel recognized and rewarded. As a manager, being able to make their staff feel recognized and rewarded is important because when a particular employee feels that they are being treated well they will try their best to accomplish their work even though they might need to work overtime to get it done.

Women managers tend to have more desire to build than a desire to win. Women doesn't really care who will win but they are more prone to how they develop and to manage the work in a progressive way. Women managers seldom like to compete to win but they consider more about the quality of the work. Therefore some people might say that women tend to be slow to complete their work but the results of their work are fantastic because they take time to plan out the work.

Women tend to be better at team building. This is because women are good at encouraging participation and facilitating groups. This is because women are more willingly to listen to their employees' problems. Besides that women are also better at facilitating their employees because they are able to encourage them to think and will help them whenever they need their managers help. Research has shown that women do not acquire any further leadership skills to become a better manager because of the nurture characteristics which they portray.

However women managers were found to have problems in managing self. They usually have difficulty such as handling pressure, coping with one's own frustrations, developing one's capabilities and responding to feedback. Besides that women are more likely to voice their frustrations openly. In our daily life we could see that women are more likely to tell their friends about their problems as to compare with men where they usually keep their problems to themselves.

In a research done by Brunel University, it shown that women graduate with MBAs, they make better managers because they gain intrinsic benefits such as confidence, credibility, assertiveness, job satisfaction and interpersonal skills. Nowadays one third of MBA students are women. This may because of the social change which occurs. Now women could further their education. However men see their MBAs as a way to get a better pay and promotion. Women value their MBA experience where they could alter perceptions of themselves. In the research, both sexes argued that in the MBAs they valued the experience in increase marketability and mobility. Therefore women reported that their experiences in MBAs are encouraging because they gain greater confidence and self-belief. Through the experience women are more capable to handle their bosses.


Even though most of the people said that they do believe that there are gender equalities, however there are still people who are unsure whether men or women will make better leaders. Therefore researches were done to investigate who will make better leaders. As mention above in the gender differences section, women tend to be better than men at empowering staff (Joanna, 2006). They found that women are more willing to give up power to their staff because they trust their employees could do better when they are given power.

Besides that also mentioned above, women encourage openness and they are more accessible. Women leaders usually encourage their staff to talk to them whenever the staff feels that they need their leaders' help. Women leaders could accept their staffs' ideas as long as their ideas make sense to their companies' objectives. However in these issues, men leaders usually will figure out solutions for the problems and asked their employees to just follow his way. This is because most men are more dominant than women and they have been practicing this attitude for a very long time.

Women leaders are more likely to respond more quickly when they are called for assistance. This might be the nurture characteristics which women have because whenever they face difficulties they want to solve it as soon as possible. For example women usually have to rear their child, therefore in order to cope out with the behaviors of their own child they have to respond quickly to their child.

In addition women could identify problems more quickly and accurately. It is strange because women usually have the intuition and they will know when there is something not right. Therefore when working with women leaders, they are more sensitive to the work and they are more alert compared to men. They will usually take precautions and they are usually not a risk taker as compare to men.

Male leaders usually are faster at making decision and more confident as to compare with women. Most of the male leaders are more adept at forming "navigational relationships" which means that temporary teams set up to achieve short term goals. Men usually could mix around very easily with other people because they are the more easy going people. However women will only mix around with people whom they like. Women don't talk much to people whom they just got to know because they might not trust them.

Lastly as mentioned above in the gender differences section male leaders often think that if they ask for advice from other people when they face difficulties they might be perceived as unsure or as a leader who doesn't know things that are related to their fields. In other words male leaders are quite arrogant because they are not willing to ask people when they are in doubt. This might lead to insecurities in oneself.


Gender Differences.

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Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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