The Benefits Of a Healthy Lifestyle and Clean Eating

 When people exercise clean eating, they benefit the body and improve their lifestyle. The instance of clean eating is such an immense topic in the world today. New research pours out about the newest diets and fads to lose or maintain body weight, nutritionists produce books on what they believe healthy living entails, and those eager to learn grasp at every piece of evidence they can reach on how to live well. The reality of clean eating is not so easy to come by, however.

The term is tainted and warped into whatever social media conjures, harming those who seek the truth. The media releases get skinny quick diets, promotes lean and perfect bodies; though the reality of these bodies are often the result of countless hours of photoshoots and photoshop edits. It is so important to exercise clean eating, in its raw form. Many have tried to diet, fast, or exercise, though they practice these habits with far too many restrictions, running themselves dry.

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They see others reaching their health and fitness goals, wondering why they cannot achieve the same results for their constant efforts and sacrifices. No matter how many calories they count and vigorous exercise plans they complete, they are never fully satisfied. Clean eating does not simply mean one should consume healthy food, it also entails feeding one’s mind with the truth that comes from God; that each person is created by God in His image, fearfully and wonderfully made. The extensive research in the art of clean eating presented below proposes a much simpler way to maintain a healthy life.

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Not too many restrictions, no strict, flavorless diets. Purely seeing food for what it is, a source of nutrients. No matter what stage of life people find themselves in, healthy habits and nutritional truths hold the key to spark a new age of clean eating.

Social Media taints society’s perspective on health and body. The article “It's Healthy Because It's Natural' Perceptions of ‘Clean’ Eating among U.S. Adolescents and Emerging Adults'' composed by Susan Ambwani, aims to inform readers of the ideas surrounding “clean” eating. Its purpose is to break the trendy view of wellness and focus more on how one can live a healthy lifestyle apart from social media food fads. The media often claims in order to reach health goals, one must be restrictive in his diet, eliminating entire food groups; following seamlessly with trendy dieting. Ambwani took a poll of where people most often heard of or were introduced to the term “clean eating”; most turned out to be from social media. However, the internet’s perception of clean eating is different from the actuality of a healthy lifestyle. Food was intended to be seen as a source of nutrients and health rather than something that is to be avoided or restricted. Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, authors of It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways, say clean eating is in fact beneficial to the body, mind, and quality of life. Though culture nowadays can make eating healthy over complicated, this couple cracks the code on false “health” foods and redirects the focus to foods which actually promote one’s quality of life. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, meats, and grains. Healthy does not have to be boring. Furthermore, the media has an astronomical influence on today’s concept of health and body image. Social Media influencers post pictures of their perfect skin, body, and lives; making others feel so far fetched on the outside. This is a falsity. Each person has a unique body that functions slightly differently than the next. People do not have to feel stuck on the outside, they simply need to find their confidence and strength in God, with some research of true clean eating on their belt.

Though clean eating is beneficial, most problems run deeper than surface level health. According to Dr. Axe, a clinical nutritionist certified in natural medicine, claims eating foods specific to one’s gut type will allow him to reach his highest health potential is true because each body is different and reacts to certain foods unlike others. A prominent example of this is when those with a gluten allergy eat bread, their stomach expands painfully. However, for someone who does not have a severe gluten allergy, bread will cause little to no bloating. In his research, he outlines the effects of eating processed foods as well as other unhealthy foods, as they contribute to a downspiraling of gut health. For instance, constantly eating fried and packaged items is not beneficial to maintaining a healthy gut. In contrast, consuming foods that will heal a damaged gut and contribute to a better lifestyle in terms of physical, emotional, and mental health, is requisite. Curing a damaged gut is claimed to be a slow starting process, though the rewards of this effort are life changing. People who have cleared their gut through the help of Dr. Axe’s literary work and research have claimed to have had dramatically positive results in chronic physical ailments within a mere two weeks. In some cases, faster results were achieved in following Axe’s instructions than in years of visiting medical doctors and practitioners. How people can reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and clean eating is through a series of food avoidances and focuses based on their body composition. In the book Eat Dirt by Dr Josh Axe, it is highlighted that one cannot obtain health goals because underlying gut health issues need to be uncovered. Although extremely restrictive diets are not recommended by most nutritionists, abstaining from certain food group sensitivities could aid in clearing the gut and promote a clean eating lifestyle. With the introduction of alternative foods, people can still experience their favorite snacks or meals, without feeling guilty or further damaging their gut. Eating unhealthy foods all the time is not good for the body, yet having sweets every once in a while, in moderation, is considered to be alright. With thorough research and case studies on people who have had trouble with their diets in previous years, Axe exposes the truth about gut health, leading to information which pertains to food groups that should be added or rejected by said gut type. Many of which, Axe professes, are leaky gut. A leaky gut can be attributed to a poor diet, chronic stress, or genetic predisposition. To heal this type of damaged gut, Dr. Axe advises to remove foods which damage one’s gut, or food sensitivities, in order to cleanse the body of toxins. Whether a patient has a leaky gut or not, it is still important to treat the body with care and know which foods trigger sensitivities, so they may be avoided.

Maintaining balance between fads and health allows society to better grasp the concept of clean eating. Carrie Dennett, a writer for the Chicago Tribune and writer of “Clearing up the Confusion about Clean Eating”, encourages an increase in one’s intake of fruits and vegetables as opposed to restrictive behaviors. Thus, consuming natural foods rather than processed items is recommended to benefit the body and aid in developing a stronger immune system. Since this irrational fear of food extends from the media’s “wellness” bloggers who have no nutrition qualifications to teach on clean eating, this article exposes that not everything portrayed on social media is sincere, even in the food industry. In fact, “the US food supply is one of the safest on the planet” claims registered dietitian Jen Bruning. Thus, society should learn to see the food provided in the US as it is, safe. Not all foods are clean, however, limiting oneself to restrictive diets and food groups is not beneficial for overall health. Phoebe Lapine, author of The Wellness Project focuses on how health can be attained without giving up one’s life. Many other health studies speak of the latest food fads and fat-loss diets, yet this author provides tips on wellness that will last a lifetime. Lapine intended to reach those seeking a healthy lifestyle without complete restriction and running themselves dry. Reading Lapine’s book, I have recognized her passion for spreading the word on health, as she personally struggled with health and clear skin as an adolescent, even into her early stages of adulthood. From her experiences and extensive research, Lapine paves the way for those seeking a clean eating diet and an overall sense of health.

There are a myriad of benefits to clean eating. From increased quality of life to an overall sense of wellness, eating in a way that honors the body speaks volumes on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. No matter what stage of life people find themselves in, healthy habits and nutritional truths hold the key to spark a new age of clean eating. In exercising clean eating, the body and life are favored. When people take care of their bodies and give them the right nutrients to sustain a healthy life, a plethora of doors are opened to a world of healthy decisions and journeys. Regardless of how far gone a person may feel with their diet and body, it is never too late to begin again and make educated, positive alterations to their lives. Social Media has a significant influence on society’s perspective on health and body. For many people, culture determines their worldview; in turn, their perception of clean eating. This is not healthy. The media is not a vessel of truth; rather, it feeds the lie that a body is supposed to look one way and not another, that clean eating means not eating much at all. This could not be further from the truth. Eating foods that provide a good source of nutrients is good, though most health problems are not simply about what passes through one’s mouth. Many of the health issues people have concern their gut and other underlying factors. Extensive research has proven that the healing of a damaged gut contributes to better physical, mental, and emotional health. Clean eating is not simply for the body, but for the mind as well. Life is all about balance and a part of that includes knowing how to spot the difference between health plans with lasting results and fast fads that come and go with the wind. Those who constantly bend with the world’s ever changing diets and food restrictions end up stretching themselves too far, with little to show for their strained efforts. Eating healthy does not mean one has to never enjoy food again. Moderation is the key. The Bible reminds us many times that true beauty lies within. Proverbs 31:30 says, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but the woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” This world has had superficial standards of beauty in the past, as it will as long as humanity goes on sinning. The Lord calls each of His children beloved and beautiful, not simply because of outer beauty, rather the beauty He has painted within. Society looks at the body, but the Lord looks at the heart. In this we know, one can benefit in health and lifestyle by consuming clean and natural foods, maintaining a healthy gut, and feeding a positive mindset based on the will of God. 

Works cited

  1. Ambwani, S. (2018). “It’s Healthy Because It’s Natural’: Perceptions of ‘Clean’ Eating among U.S. Adolescents and Emerging Adults”. Appetite, 123, 327-334.
  2. Hartwig, D., & Hartwig, M. (2012). It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways. Victory Belt Publishing.
  3. Axe, J. (2016). Eat Dirt: Why Leaky Gut May Be the Root Cause of Your Health Problems and 5 Surprising Steps to Cure It. Harper Wave.
  4. Hyman, M. (2018). Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? Little, Brown Spark.
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  7. Colquhoun, J. (2014). Food Forensics: The Hidden Toxins Lurking in Your Food and How You Can Avoid Them for Lifelong Health. BenBella Books.
  8. Groves, M. (2018). The Clean Eating Plan: Delicious and Nutritious Recipes for a Healthy Body and Mind. DK.
  9. Lustig, R. (2013). Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease. Hudson Street Press.
  10. Nestle, M. (2018). Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat. Basic Books.
Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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