Preventing Obesity: Simple Steps for a Healthy Lifestyle

Categories: FoodHealthObesity

We must stay active. This is an important step in preventing obesity. Join a gym or yoga class to stay slim and trim. Take the stairs or walk to do your chores. Simple steps like these can go a long way in preventing overweight and obesity. Joining a gym or yoga class will help you mingle with like-minded people who can give you valuable tips on how to prevent obesity.

We must eat healthy foods.The Food and Drug Administration advises that one must consume about 2,000 calories each day.

Ensure that you include legumes, vegetables, fruits, whole grain breads, meats and dairy items.

To avoid obesity, your daily calorie intake must not exceed the number of calories expended. So, if you are not an active person, reduce your calorie intake to ensure your weight does not balloon up.

We have to Drink Plenty of Water. Many people mistake thirst for hunger and start gorging. Drink plenty of water every day to flush out toxins and impurities from your system.

Most health experts advise drinking eight to 10 glasses of water every day.

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Whenever you feel hungry, first try drinking water and see if that satiates you. Water is thus a great way to combat hunger pangs and ensure you do not overeat.

We must eat only when you feel hungry. Research reveals that naturally thin people eat only when they feel hungry. If you do not feel hungry at regular meal time, then cut down your portion size and eat just enough food to keep you satiated and energetic for your daily tasks.

Thus to prevent obesity, ensure you start eating only when you feel hungry.

Do not store Junk food and soda.

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Do not keep any stock of junk food in your home. Stocking junk food will always tempt you to take a bite now and then. This can be harmful in the long run. So, be smart and avoid buying junk food in the first place. Similarly, avoid storing soda and sweet fizzy drinks in your fridge. These harmful beverages can also add on the flab and therefore should be avoided at all costs.


  • Obesity
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Preventing Obesity: Simple Steps for a Healthy Lifestyle. (2016, Dec 28). Retrieved from

Preventing Obesity: Simple Steps for a Healthy Lifestyle essay
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