Summary and Analysis of The Invisible Man

Categories: War of The Worlds

The Invisible Man was written in 1987 by an English novelist H.G. Wells. He lived between 1866 and 1946. Wells is better known for his science fiction novels such as The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, and the War of the Worlds. The Invisible Man has been made into films and TV serials. A young scientist discovers a way to invisibility and gets trapped in the hell of his own experiments, remaining clueless about a way to reverse the results. The story shows the destructive effects of a strange discovery, that is, invisibility, on the scientist himself and the society in general.

This story is a symbolic expression of the ideas and fears of the author, H.G. Well’s time, and our own time, nevertheless, and all times as long as mindless inventions and discoveries will threaten the peace and tranquility of the society. The novel gradually unveils a great scientific mystery that a stranger carries on a snowy day to the village of Iping in England, and myriad stories float around, bandaged, and over covered as he is.

Griffin is the main character of the novel The Invisible Man.

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In fact, Griffin is the protagonist of the novel. He is a brilliant but eccentric scientist. He is given many names in this novel The Invisible Man such as the stranger, invisible man, and also known as Griffin. He is very mysterious by nature and writes his books in codes. He hides the secret from everyone. He wants to prove that the human body can become invisible and he discovers a rare drug that can make the human body completely invisible but Griffin misuses his discovery.

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To save himself from his landlord, he takes that drug and becomes invisible. At first, he feels extremely proud of his invisibility but soon he realizes the shortcomings of being invisible. Griffin is a lawless person and does many unlawful activities when he becomes invisible. He sets fire in his landlord’s house, steals things, and money from shops. He is bad-tempered and soon begins to be violent. "If you don’t shut up I shall twist your wrist again” (Page 78). He uses poor Marvel as a tool who helps him he is a heartless human being. “Don’t drop those books stupid” (Page 76). To further his research, he needs some money and for this he robs his own father. ”I robbed the old man – robbed my father” (page 117). His father shoots himself because money is not his. But Griffin is least regretful about it. He makes plans to unleash a reign of terror on his country but he fails in it and meets a sorrowful end at the hands of people.

The novel largely takes place in the rural village of Iping in England and other rustic parts of England. “My reason for coming to Iping” (Page 12). But in Griffin's flashback narrative of how he became invisible, the scene shifts to the urban metropolis of London. "So last January, with the beginning of a snowstorm in the air about me—and if it settled on me it would betray me!—weary, cold, painful, inexpressibly wretched, and still but half convinced of my invisible quality, I began this new life to which I am committed. I had no refuge, no appliances, no human being in the world in whom I could confide." (Page 138). The Invisible Man turns on the contrast between life in a small village and life in a big city.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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Summary and Analysis of The Invisible Man essay
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