What is social pedagogy?

Social pedagogy is concerned with well-being, learning and growth. This is underpinned by humanistic values and principles which view people as active and resourceful agents highlight the importance of including them into the wider community, and aim to tackle or prevent social problems and inequality.

Social pedagogy uses the holistic approach to education in the broadest sense, the centrality of relationships, and the use of observation and reflection as a tool for continuous development of all that are included in the pedagogic process.

It uses various predominant elements that form part of social pedagogy, and each of them is underpinned in its significance by theory and research. This makes it helpful to apply theory to practice. Social pedagogy aims to provide nurturing conditions that support children's growth in both directions, towards independence and interdependence. In Goethe's words 'children need two things from their parents: roots and wings'

When did it begin/originate?

As an idea ‘sozial pädagogik’ first started being used around the middle of the nineteenth century in Germany as a way of describing alternatives to the dominant models of schooling.

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parents have the shared responsibility same as practitioners as they aim to provide a nurturing condition that support natural growth this is for children and young people until they reach adolescence in every setting. The term 'social pedagogy' has been used in countries such as Germany, Holland and Hungary to embrace the activities of youth workers, residential or day care workers work with offenders, and play and occupational therapists.

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It has also been used to describe aspects of church work and some community development activity.

How does it benefit children?

Social pedagogy is about the holistic wellbeing and education and this is a shared responsibility between parents and the society as a whole. It also develops children and young people’s knowledge of what is expected of them as an individual. This helps them gain skills that they want to achieve, coping with emotions and also physical skills. This is put in to place to learn children and young people on how to become a valued member of society.

How can it support children’s development?

Social Pedagogy can support children’s development by helping children and young people to take more risks in life as this is a way of helping them to develop their judgement and also how to test boundaries. Social Pedagogy also helps to remove any barriers in stopping the child’s development to decrease, or not be as developed as other children, helping the child to understand more complex things. Social Pedagogy also helps to increase social interactions and communication, giving the child confidence within themselves.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Exploring the Principles of Humanistic Social Pedagogy. (2016, Jan 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/social-pedagogy-2-essay

Exploring the Principles of Humanistic Social Pedagogy essay
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