Humanistic Perspectives on The Theory of Ideal Personality

Theories of Personality

Every person develops their own personality. There are different theories our cultures can relate to in reference to a person’s personality. This paper will describe a new character’s personality based on the humanistic approach theory. This paper will also link the personality behavior to the theory described.

New TV character

This new TV character is very down-to-earth and is very friendly. He believes that humans have no evil and always looks for positivity rather than negativity.

This new character who will be going by the name of Tor often looks for his own soul searching. He does this by doing yoga in the mornings by the sea as well as meditation when he feels stressed out about something. For some reason, Tor believes that every person has the same needs as him. He believes that if you have any sort of problem family therapy is a way to overcome weaknesses by strengthening and encouraging each other.

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Everything Tor does has a meaning and value for him. Nothing is seen as wasted time or effort. Tor believes that the world is a wonderful place and that there is no evil (Myers & Dewall, 2016).

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Tor will be a loved character by the audience because of his outgoing, sensitive and caring personality. His character will be an eye-opener to all the people who are not aware of this type of personality.

Personality Development

Humanistic approach theory centers on the idea of the way people aim for self-determination and self-awareness particularly focusing on beneficial personal growth (Myers & Dewall, 2016). This theory focuses on mental development, free will and individual knowledge (Cherry, 2018). Carl Roger’s believed that personality development required three main environments they are genuineness, acceptance, and empathy (Myers & Dewall, 2016). Genuineness is when people are open to their own thoughts and are translucent and self-revealing. Acceptance is when people offer unrestricted constructive regard and self-value is still appreciated by others (Myers & Dewall, 2016). Empathy is when they think of others people's feelings. Personality is developed in the idea of self-concept. Self-concept means how you view yourself as a person (Mcleod, 2014). Self-concept can be manipulated by the person’s environment, past experiences and the interpretation of one’s self-experience (McLeod, 2014). This method includes three factors they are self-worth meaning what you think about yourself, self image, how you see yourself and ideal self basically the person who you want to be (McLeod, 2014). It is also important to mention that the Humanistic Approach emphasizes on a child having two essential needs which are positive affection and self-worth (McLeod, 2014). A person needs to feel accepted, worthy and respectable to be able to achieve goals and aspirations in life to reach self-actualization. This theory also emphasizes on the fact that a safe, non-defensive environment and self-approval is one of the initial steps to love others (Myers & Dewall, 2016).


There are different theories many people are in favor of. The Humanistic Approach has been criticized many times by researchers and psychologists. Many see this theory as “naïve” (Myers & Dewall, 2016, pg. 503), because of the lack of recognizing that some people can in fact be malicious. This theory however does focus on positivity and self awareness. For this reason, this personality theory clearly describes the character traits Tor displays.

Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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Humanistic Perspectives on The Theory of Ideal Personality essay
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