Sammy's Journey: Rebellion and Growth in Updike's A&P

Categories: A&P

Contrast with Regular Customers

John Updike skillfully uses the character of Sammy to paint a vivid, almost caricature-like picture of the typical patrons at the A&P. These regular customers, as seen through Sammy’s youthful and somewhat critical eyes, are portrayed as mundane and unremarkable, mirroring the monotonous rhythm of the town itself. He uses metaphors like comparing them to 'sheep,' to emphasize their mindless, conformist behavior as they navigate the aisles of the store. The characters range from a "witch about fifty with rouge on her cheekbones" – an image evoking both disdain and pity – to "women with six children and varicose veins," symbolizing the wear and tear of everyday life.

These descriptions not only paint a vivid picture of the store’s clientele but also set a dreary backdrop against which the vibrant and lively characters of the three girls stand out strikingly.

The entrance of the girls, scantily clad in bikinis, creates a stark juxtaposition against this backdrop of conformist, regular patrons.

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This contrast is not merely a visual one; it is laden with symbolic significance. It represents a clash between the ordinary, mundane aspects of life in the town and the extraordinary, unconventional spirit embodied by the girls. Sammy’s detailed and somewhat awestruck descriptions of the girls – from their "Long white prima-donna legs" to their "Oaky hair" – highlight his fascination and a deep-seated longing for something beyond the confines of his current world. This moment serves as a catalyst for Sammy, prompting him to question and challenge the societal norms he has been accustomed to.

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It opens his eyes to a new reality, one that is vibrant and full of possibilities, a stark contrast to the predictable and uneventful life in the A&P.

Conflict with Authority

A critical turning point in the story occurs when Lengel, the store manager, confronts the girls about their attire. Lengel, who embodies traditional authority and societal values, becomes the direct antithesis of the freedom and individuality represented by the girls. His insistence on adhering to store policy and maintaining societal norms not only creates a tension in the narrative but also symbolizes the larger conflict between individual freedom and societal expectations.

Sammy's reaction to this confrontation is pivotal. His decision to quit his job is not merely an impulsive act of teenage rebellion; it is a significant statement of his internal struggle and his burgeoning desire to assert his identity. By standing up to Lengel, Sammy is rejecting the values and norms represented by the store manager and, by extension, the store itself. This act marks a crucial moment in Sammy's character development, transitioning him from a passive observer of life to an active participant making choices based on his own values and beliefs. It's important to recognize that Sammy's rebellion is also emblematic of his journey towards finding his own place in the world, a step towards adulthood marked by the search for personal identity and a sense of self.

Sammy's Realization and Growth

Sammy's impulsive decision to quit in the heat of the moment is laden with both defiance and personal sacrifice. His action is a bold statement against the conformity and mundanity represented by the A&P and, by extension, the town itself. However, this decision is not without its consequences. As he steps out of the store, leaving his job behind, Sammy is confronted with the stark reality of his actions and their potential impact on his future.

This moment of realization is a significant turning point in Sammy's life. He begins to comprehend the complexities and challenges of the adult world, a world where societal expectations often clash with individual desires. This newfound understanding marks a pivotal moment in his transition from adolescence to adulthood. While Sammy may have achieved a moral victory in his mind, the real-world implications of his actions begin to dawn on him. Updike subtly underscores this through the absence of the girls when Sammy exits the store, symbolizing the ephemeral nature of his act of rebellion and the enduring reality he must now face. This realization encapsulates the overarching theme of the story: the journey to maturity often involves difficult choices and a deeper understanding of one's place in the world.


John Updike's "A&P" is a masterful exploration of themes such as individuality, maturity, and rebellion against societal norms. Through the character of Sammy and his interactions with the girls and Lengel, the story delves into the complexities of coming of age and the struggles associated with it. Sammy's experience in the A&P is a microcosm of the journey from adolescence to adulthood. His act of quitting symbolizes both a rebellion against authority and a step towards defining his own identity. The story leaves us contemplating the future challenges that Sammy will face in his new reality, having distanced himself from the 'sheep' of the community. His decision, while impulsive and perhaps naive, marks the beginning of his journey into adulthood, a journey filled with uncertainties but also the promise of personal growth and discovery.

Updated: Jan 22, 2024
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Sammy's Journey: Rebellion and Growth in Updike's A&P. (2024, Jan 22). Retrieved from

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