Sammy's Lesson: Cherishing Relationships and Embracing Loss

I never understood the meaning of death. All I knew was that one day it’ll happen to everyone and everything, most times unexpectedly. So when my dog Sammy died completely out of the blue one day, I felt lost. I had become so attached and dependent on him, I didn’t know what I would do without him. Losing Sammy taught me not to take the things I care about for granted.

I’ll never forget the day I got Sammy.

I was ten years old and I had never had my own pet before, not even a fish. I always wanted a dog. I did everything I could to show my parents I was responsible enough to take care of one. I did all my chores; I tried my hardest in school; I even looked up different types of dogs and how to take care of them. So when my parents finally told me we were going to go get me a puppy I felt like I was going to burst with excitement.

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The entire drive to the animal shelter I was bouncing up and down in my seat. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. When we got to the animal shelter I bolted through the doors and my eyes immediately went to Sammy. I knew from the very first moment I saw him that he was meant for me.

Sammy and I did everything together. We would spend our days playing. We would go to the back yard and I would throw the ball with as much strength as I could muster.

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He would chase after it as fast as he could, his ear flopping in the wind. When we couldn’t play outside, we would play hide and go seek inside. I would go around the entire house trying to find the best hiding place I could while he waited in my room. Once I was hidden I would call him and he’d run around the house, room to room until he found me. At night, I would stay up late talking to him about everything. I would tell him about this book I was reading or about this show I had watched on TV. To me he wasn’t just a dog. He was my best friend. All either one of us needed was each other. But things change.

As I got older, I spent less time with Sammy and more time with my friends. The days spent playing ball in the backyard or hide and go seek around the house became few and far in between. Instead, my days were spent at the mall. I would stay up late talking to my friends instead of talking to Sammy. No matter what though he was always there to greet me when I came home. He always tried to make me feel better when I was sad. He was a loyal and loving friend that I could count on. But then the inevitable happened. He died.

When Sammy died I was heartbroken. He had become such a huge part of my life and now it felt like there were gaps missing in it. All I could think about were the moments we had spent together and the moments we should have spent together, instead of me going off with my friends. I thought of him laying on my bed next to me as I read a book. I thought of him chasing me around the backyard at full speed. I thought of how excited he was to see me every time I walked through the front door. I wished I had cherished those moments instead of letting them become another part of my day. I didn’t realize how much I expected him to always be there until he was gone. All I wanted to go back in time and tell myself how much I would regret not spending more time with him.

Through Sammy, I learned the value of the relationships I have. While its a very painful lesson to be taught, I know I needed to learn it. I know now how important it is to appreciate the moments you have, whether it be with another pet, friends, or family members because you never know if it will be your last day with them. I’ll always remember Sammy and I’m grateful for what he did for me.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Sammy's Lesson: Cherishing Relationships and Embracing Loss essay
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