Students’ Questions Answered by Our Experts

question icon What is the significance of Trinculo and Stephano?
Category: Literature Views 257
answer icon They are minor comic relief characters in Shakespeare's play "The Tempest."
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question icon Why does the Black community of Cincinnati keep their distance from 124?
Category: Literature Views 317
answer icon The Black community in "Beloved" distances itself from 124 Bluestone Road due to the house's traumatic history and its inhabitants' neglect and isolation.
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question icon What happens to Tod Clifton after he leaves the Brotherhood?
Category: Literature Views 305
answer icon Tod Clifton is shot and killed by a white police officer.
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question icon What happens to Clarisse?
Category: Literature Views 276
answer icon Clarisse's character in "Fahrenheit 451" is different from the other characters in their society, and she becomes a source of enlightenment and danger to Guy.
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question icon Why didn’t Tim O’Brien try to evade the draft by going to Canada?
Category: Literature Views 257
answer icon Tim O'Brien considered going to Canada to evade the draft in "The Things They Carried," but decided against it as he felt it would be dishonorable.
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question icon Why does Rahim Khan lie about the American couple?
Category: Literature Views 343
answer icon Rahim Khan lies about the American couple in "The Kite Runner" to protect Amir from guilt and disgrace.
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question icon Why isn’t Curley’s wife’s name ever revealed?
Category: Literature Views 383
answer icon Curley's wife's name is never revealed in the novel Of Mice and Men because she is primarily viewed through the men's perspectives and is not seen as an important individual in her own right.
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question icon Why doesn’t the goddess Athena get Odysseus home sooner?
Category: Literature Views 552
answer icon Athena delays Odysseus's journey home in "The Odyssey" to allow him to mature and develop essential skills and abilities.
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question icon Why does Pip become ashamed of Joe?
Category: Literature Views 297
answer icon Pip becomes ashamed of Joe because he feels that Joe is not refined or sophisticated enough to fit in with his new social circle.
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question icon Why does Amir sometimes treat Hassan badly in childhood?
Category: Literature Views 275
answer icon Amir treats Hassan badly in childhood because of his own insecurities and jealousy towards Hassan's close relationship with his father and their social class difference.
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question icon Why does Odysseus fail to reveal his identity to Penelope when they are first reunited?
Category: Literature Views 324
answer icon Odysseus fails to reveal his identity to Penelope when they are first reunited because he wants to test her loyalty and make sure she still loves him after he has been gone for so many years.
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question icon Why do the Youngers decide to go through with the move?
Category: Literature Views 264
answer icon The Youngers decide to go through with the move to improve their living conditions and pursue better opportunities.
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question icon What are the sexual norms of the World State?
Category: Literature Views 291
answer icon The sexual norms of the World State are highly promiscuous and encouraged without the presence of emotional attachment.
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question icon How does the Witches’ prophecy about Banquo come true?
Category: Literature Views 427
answer icon Banquo's descendants become kings, fulfilling the prophecy that he himself would not, but his heirs would reign.
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question icon Why does Mercutio fight Tybalt?
Category: Literature Views 305
answer icon Mercutio fights Tybalt to defend Romeo's honor and because of their long-standing feud.
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question icon Why do King Duncan’s sons Malcolm and Donalbain flee to England after their father is murdered?
Category: Literature Views 434
answer icon Malcolm and Donalbain fled to England after their father was murdered to protect themselves from being the next target and also to gather support to avenge their father's death.
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question icon What started the Trojan War?
Category: Literature Views 316
answer icon The abduction of Helen by Paris of Troy.
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question icon Why does the apple change when Jonas plays catch with it?
Category: Literature Views 282
answer icon The apple changes because Jonas has the ability to manipulate and change objects with his powers as The Giver.
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question icon Why does Cornwall blind Gloucester?
Category: Literature Views 502
answer icon Cornwall blinds Gloucester as a punishment for helping his son Edgar.
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question icon How do the Solidarity Service and the Indian ceremony compare to each other?
Category: Literature Views 282
answer icon The Solidarity Service and Indian ceremony differ significantly in their cultural and ceremonial practices.
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question icon What does the slogan “Ignorance Is Strength” mean?
Category: Literature Views 238
answer icon The slogan "Ignorance Is Strength" means that not knowing certain things can actually be beneficial."
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question icon Why does Carlson shoot Candy’s dog?
Category: Literature Views 250
answer icon Carlson shoots Candy's dog because it is old, sickly, and deemed useless as a hunting dog.
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question icon Did Hester ever love Chillingworth?
Category: Literature Views 302
answer icon Hester and Chillingworth's relationship in "The Scarlet Letter" is ambiguous, and Hester may not have loved Chillingworth.
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question icon Why does Caesar refuse the crown when Antony offers it to him?
Category: Literature Views 312
answer icon Caesar refuses the crown because he wants to appear humble and not be seen as a tyrant.
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question icon Why does the Commander want to see Offred alone?
Category: Literature Views 337
answer icon The Commander's desire to see Offred alone in "The Handmaid's Tale" could be to exert power over her or to fulfill his role as a reproductive figure.
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