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Why does Cornwall blind Gloucester?

Category: Literature

In Shakespeare's play "King Lear" Cornwall blinds Gloucester as an act of revenge and punishment. During the play, Gloucester is loyal to King Lear, and when he realizes the injustice of Lear's mistreatment by his two elder daughters, Regan and Goneril, Gloucester attempts to aid the King. Cornwall, who is married to Regan, sees Gloucester's actions as a threat to his power and loyalty to the King. In a fit of rage, Cornwall decides to make an example of Gloucester by gouging out his eyes, an act that symbolizes not only physical suffering but also the blinding of truth and wisdom. Cornwall's brutal act serves to intensify the play's themes of betrayal, cruelty, and the tragic consequences of power-hungry ambition.

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Why does Cornwall blind Gloucester?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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