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Why do King Duncan’s sons Malcolm and Donalbain flee to England after their father is murdered?

Category: Literature

After the murder of their father, King Duncan, in Macbeth, Malcolm and Donalbain flee to England primarily out of fear for their own lives. They suspect that they might be the next targets of the unknown assailants who orchestrated their father's assassination to seize the throne. By seeking refuge in England, they hope to find safety and support from King Edward, seeking to gather loyal allies to eventually reclaim their rightful positions as heirs to the Scottish throne. Moreover, being away from the turmoil in Scotland also allows them to plot and plan their return strategically, avoiding immediate danger and potential traps set by their enemies within the kingdom.

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Why do King Duncan’s sons Malcolm and Donalbain flee to England after their father is murdered?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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