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What happens to Tod Clifton after he leaves the Brotherhood?

Category: Literature

After Tod Clifton leaves the Brotherhood in Ralph Ellison's novel "Invisible Man" his fate takes a tragic turn. He becomes disillusioned with the organization's failure to address the pressing issues faced by the African American community and decides to go his own way. However, he doesn't find the solace he seeks, and he eventually ends up selling dancing Sambo dolls on the street, which are demeaning caricatures perpetuating racial stereotypes. This desperate act symbolizes his loss of identity and agency, representing how even those who seek liberation can be crushed under the weight of societal pressures and racism. Tragically, Tod Clifton is shot and killed by a white police officer, further illustrating the harsh realities and violence faced by African Americans in a society plagued by racial prejudice and injustice.

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What happens to Tod Clifton after he leaves the Brotherhood?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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