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What happens to Linda after she returns from the Savage Reservation to the World State?

Category: Literature

In Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World," Linda, a former Beta caste in the World State, returns from the Savage Reservation along with her son John, who was born on the reservation. Linda's experience on the reservation has left her physically and mentally debilitated, and she struggles to adjust to the World State's highly regimented and technologically advanced society. Upon her return, Linda is immediately taken to a hospital where she is given a variety of treatments to help her recover from the ailments she acquired on the reservation. The treatments include conditioning to help her adjust to the World State's culture and therapy to heal her psychological scars. These treatments are effective to some degree, but she is not able to overcome her addicion to soma and dies.

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What happens to Linda after she returns from the Savage Reservation to the World State?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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