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What does Norman Bowker need after he returns home?

Category: Literature

In a Vietnam War novel The Things They Carried, after Norman Bowker's character returns home, he desperately needs a sense of purpose and healing. The war has taken a toll on him, leaving him emotionally scarred and grappling with a deep sense of guilt over the death of his comrade, Kiowa. Norman yearns for someone who can truly listen and understand his experiences, providing him with the space to process his trauma and find solace. He craves a supportive community that can help him reconnect with a life that feels meaningful, as the stark contrast between the chaos of war and the mundane routines of civilian life leaves him feeling adrift and disconnected. Ultimately, Norman Bowker needs compassion, empathy, and opportunities to rebuild his shattered sense of self and find meaning in a world that seems foreign to him after the horrors of war.

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What does Norman Bowker need after he returns home?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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