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Why does the apple change when Jonas plays catch with it?

Category: Literature

In Lois Lowry's novel, the transformation of the apple when Jonas plays catch with it can be attributed to the concept of quantum entanglement. This phenomenon refers to the entwining of particles at the quantum level, where the state of one particle is intrinsically connected to the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. In this instance, when Jonas throws the apple and it is caught, the force exerted on the apple transfers energy to the particle, effectively entangling it with the apple. As a result of this entanglement, the apple undergoes a process of quantum superposition, where it exists simultaneously in multiple states. This means that the apple takes on a new set of properties, and its physical characteristics are no longer fixed.

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Why does the apple change when Jonas plays catch with it?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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