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Why does Napoleon change the Seven Commandments?

Category: Literature

Napoleon changes the Seven Commandments in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" primarily to consolidate and maintain his own power and control over the other animals. Initially, the Seven Commandments were established as a set of principles meant to guide the animals' pursuit of equality and freedom. However, as Napoleon rises to power, he gradually alters the commandments to suit his own interests and justify his actions. By subtly manipulating the rules, Napoleon justifies his decision to engage in activities that were originally condemned, such as living in the farmhouse and engaging in trade with humans. The modifications to the commandments allow Napoleon to rewrite history, manipulate the truth, and solidify his authority, ultimately ensuring that he remains the sole leader and benefits from the privileges of power.

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Why does Napoleon change the Seven Commandments?. (2023, Jul 17). Retrieved from

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