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How does Napoleon seize power?

Category: Literature

Napoleon seizes power in Animal Farm through a combination of manipulation, coercion, and consolidation of authority. Initially, he takes advantage of the power vacuum created after the rebellion against Farmer Jones, positioning himself as a key figure alongside Snowball. However, he cunningly drives Snowball out of the farm, using a pack of loyal dogs as enforcers. With Snowball gone, Napoleon solidifies his control by gradually dismantling the principles of Animalism and establishing himself as the sole decision-maker. He employs propaganda and fear tactics, such as the constant threat of the return of humans, to maintain a sense of insecurity and control over the other animals. Over time, Napoleon becomes increasingly authoritarian, amassing privileges for himself and the elite class of pigs, exploiting the labor of the other animals, and enforcing strict rules and punishments to suppress any dissent. Through his manipulation and consolidation of power, Napoleon transforms the egalitarian ideals of Animal Farm into a dictatorship, demonstrating the corrupting nature of absolute power.

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