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How does the Party maintain its power?

Category: Literature

In George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, the Party maintains its power through a meticulously crafted system of surveillance, psychological manipulation, and brutal suppression. The Party's ubiquitous telescreens constantly monitor the citizens' actions and thoughts, instilling a sense of constant surveillance and fear. The Party controls the past by manipulating historical records, ensuring that its version of reality is unquestioned. Doublethink, the ability to hold contradictory beliefs, is promoted to confuse and control the citizens' minds. The Party's merciless Thought Police ensure that dissent is swiftly eradicated, employing torture and brainwashing techniques to crush any form of rebellion. By exploiting fear, ignorance, and a complete erosion of individuality, the Party successfully maintains its iron grip on power in a bleak and oppressive society.

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