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Why does Edna throw a lavish dinner party before moving into the pigeon house?

Category: Literature

Edna throws a lavish dinner party before moving into the pigeon house to symbolize her newfound freedom and independence. Throughout her journey of self-discovery in Kate Chopin's novel "The Awakening," Edna gradually rejects the societal norms and expectations imposed upon her as a wife and mother. The extravagant dinner party serves as a grand farewell to her past life, a statement of defiance against the confines of traditional roles. By hosting this opulent event, Edna asserts her autonomy, signaling her desire to embrace a life of her own choosing, free from the expectations of others. It becomes a moment of liberation and self-expression, a celebration of Edna's determination to break free from the oppressive constraints of society and pursue her own desires and passions.

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Why does Edna throw a lavish dinner party before moving into the pigeon house?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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