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Why isn’t Curley’s wife’s name ever revealed?

Category: Literature

Curley's wife's name is never revealed in John Steinbeck's novella "Of Mice and Men" as a deliberate narrative choice that serves multiple purposes. Primarily, her anonymity symbolizes the prevailing gender inequality and marginalization of women during the Great Depression era, reducing her to merely a possession of her husband. By denying her an individual identity, Steinbeck highlights the dehumanization of women in that society, emphasizing their lack of agency and independence. Moreover, this anonymity adds to the sense of isolation and loneliness experienced by many characters, particularly Curley's wife herself, who craves attention and companionship. Overall, this literary device deepens the themes of the story and underscores the broader social issues that the novella explores.

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Why isn’t Curley’s wife’s name ever revealed?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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