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Why does Rahim Khan lie about the American couple?

Category: Literature

In Khaled Hosseini's novel "The Kite Runner," Rahim Khan lies about the American couple to protect Amir, the protagonist, from facing the harsh truth about his childhood friend, Hassan. In reality, the American couple was willing to adopt Hassan's son, Sohrab, after his tragic life events in Afghanistan. However, Rahim Khan fabricates a different story, claiming that the couple only wanted to exploit and abuse Sohrab. Rahim's lie is driven by his deep concern for Amir's emotional well-being and his desire to atone for his own past mistakes in not helping Hassan when he needed it most. By presenting the couple as villains, Rahim Khan takes on the burden of safeguarding Amir from the painful truth, allowing him to embark on the redemption journey and seek forgiveness for his own past betrayals.

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