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Why does Marlow lie to Kurtz’s Intended?

Category: Literature

Marlow lies to Kurtz's Intended in Joseph Conrad's novella "Heart of Darkness" because he believes that revealing the truth about Kurtz's final moments and his descent into darkness would only cause unnecessary pain and disillusionment for the woman. Marlow recognizes the idealized image the Intended holds of Kurtz and understands that the truth would shatter her perception of him as a noble and admirable figure. In an act of compassion and a desire to preserve her memory of Kurtz, Marlow chooses to shield her from the grim reality and instead presents a more sanitized version of Kurtz's final words. This decision reflects Marlow's understanding of the limitations of truth and his recognition of the importance of protecting others from harsh realities when it serves a greater purpose.

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Why does Marlow lie to Kurtz’s Intended?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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