Political Control In Han China And Imperial Rome

Han China and Imperial Rome were amazing empires in their own way. Both of these civilizations had ways of maintaining the political control over their people. Han China and Imperial Rome’s method in political control has many differences and similarities, but I believe there are more similarities than differences.

Han China’s political control was large. This empire developed a political philosophy called legalism. Legalism advocated clear rules and harsh punishments as means of enforcing the authority of the state.

With this new philosophy, Shihuangdi decided to launch a military campaign to reunify China. This empire also believed military force was very important. Han China’s leading figure was an emperor. In their government, religion often took the major role in their society. Han China also had more equality in political control than Imperial Rome.

Imperial Rome’s political control was mainly based on social status. For instance wealthy men dominated over women, and poor men. They had a written code of law that offered plebeians (poorer class) protection from abuse.

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This gave the plebeians an opportunity to shape public policy. Romans took great pride in this, and believed they enjoyed greater freedom than most of their neighbors. They had a rule of law, the rights of citizens, the absences of pretension, upright moral behavior, and keeping ones word. This was later recognized as “the way of the ancestors.”

Once these empires political control were established, they shared many similarities. Both of them worked to unite the empires and create peace among them.

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They also both believed the gods helped them rule and succeed as an empire. Both of these civilizations also had a custom religion, Christianity in Imperial Rome, and Buddhism in China. Roman and Chinese authorities both had supernatural sanctions to support their rule. Romans began to regard their deceased emperors as gods and made a religious cult. Roman authorities persecuted the refusing Christians that didn’t take part.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Political Control In Han China And Imperial Rome. (2016, Sep 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/political-control-in-han-china-and-imperial-rome-essay

Political Control In Han China And Imperial Rome essay
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