Asoka and Devanampiyatissa: Buddism's Arrival in Srilanka

During the reign of king Asoka of india,Srilanka was ruled by king Tissa who was the second son of kung Muthaseeva. King Asoka and King Tissa were very close friends. Kung Tissa sent delegation to meet kingAsoka with several gifts. The leader of that group was Prince Maha Aritta who was the nephew of King Tissa. This delegation was ceremoniously received by Emperor Asoka. This delegation spent about 5 months in India. King Asoka sent back alarge collection of precious onaments required in a coronation as a gift.

It consisted of swords and valuable ornaments.

Also the following message was sent: "I have surrended myself to the triple gem. Oh my friend, you too submit yourself to the triple gem." The King was very much pleased with the message the envoys brought back. He held a second coronation with ornaments King Asoka had sent. Also the King waz given an honorary title "Devanampiya" that was used by Mourya rulers ti which Emperor Asoka belonged.

From that day king Tissa was called "Devanampiyatissa" The most important outcone of the friendship of the two kingswas the introduction of Buddism to Srilanka.

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King Asoka sent several missions to preach buddism to this country. Mihindu Thera who was the son of kung Asoka brought Buddism to Srilanka after 3rd Dharma Sangayana Along with Mihindu Thera came Arhat Thera named Ittiya, Uttiya, Sambala,Baddadala anf Sumana a young monk and Bhanduka on a pposon full moon day at Mihinthale. Mihindu Thera preached the " Chulla Hattipadopama Suthraya" to king and his group .

Upon listening to the sermon the king and the people readily embraced Buddism and surrendered to the triple gem.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Asoka and Devanampiyatissa: Buddism's Arrival in Srilanka. (2016, Mar 08). Retrieved from

Asoka and Devanampiyatissa: Buddism's Arrival in Srilanka essay
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