Importance Of Mass Media Essay Examples

Importance Of Mass Media - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Mass media refers to communication technology that is used in sharing information intended to reach massive audiences (“Mass Media Definition”). Mass media is a term that was coined in the mid-1920s, in reference to newspapers and radio broadcasts, which, at the time, were the most popular forms of mass communication. As such, they were the main sources of information for the public. As the popularity of these media grew, so did the public’s reliance on them. Television also began to rise in popularity by the turn of the 1930s, with the first television set receiving a patent in 1927; however, radio and print still remained the dominant media in the world. Today, however, mass communication is starkly different from that, and the term “mass media”, has expanded to encompass more forms of media. The Internet, for example, a broad network of intercommunication that spans the entire globe, is now the largest form of mass communication in the world, and also the most important.

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