Media And Politics Essay Examples

Media And Politics - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

When it comes to politics, candidates often use the media to promote themselves and their message. However, when the news doesn’t put politicians in a positive light they are quick to turn and blame the media. Politicians use the media to their advantage, especially by getting the exposure they to reach voters which in the end can help them win elections. There are many different ways politicians use the media to benefit themselves. For example, staged political rallies are a way to show the voters support and enthusiasm for a candidate. Another way that a candidate will surely get news exposure is by inviting reporters to a news conference to hear an “important announcement.” Also reaching out to reporters for a chance to have one on one exclusive interview is always persuasive, and to guarantee media coverage, tend to happen soon before the election day. Of course, a candidate with enough money will use it for advertisements in print and on TV. Just like when companies have ads for certain products they aren’t being completely transparent about the campaign and the candidate.

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