Famous Person in Advertising History

Helen Lansdowne Resor made a lasting impact on the type of advertising we see today. Resor worked as the head of the Women’s Editorial Department for J. Walter Thompson agency and eventually worked her way into a vice president position. At this agency, Resor managed to change the way people market to their audience, especially women, in advertising. She was able to help the transition of advertisements merely describing products, to advertisements appealing to their audience based on a psychological and emotional approach (Lavelle).

With this new type of advertising, Resor also helped push the illustration of women in advertisements to what was called the “modern woman.” This modern woman is depicted as doing tasks that are nonconventional for the regular woman (i.e.

cooking, cleaning, taking care of children) (Lavelle). She also took this chance with the modern woman to sell sex. Sex then was not the fast cars and Carl’s Jr. cheeseburger advertisements we see today, it was an advertisement of a man and woman with their skin touching to sell soap.

Though this may not seem like a huge deal, it made quite an impact during its time.

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Unfortunately, because the modern woman was breaking the barriers of social norms when it came to the actions of women, Resor had to take a loss by only depicting these women as conventionally pretty. Because advertisements are meant to sell something, it is hard to push those boundaries and still be palatable for the audiences you are trying to reach.

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Resor was able to find a happy medium that worked for many of her clients’ audiences and changed the way advertisements are made today.

Without the influence of Resor, women would not have the place in advertising that they do today. She was able to set an example of what women in advertising are capable of. Resor also made waves in the creation of advertisements that have a lasting impact. I believe without Resor advertising would not be where it is today. I admire her for being able to change the way society sees the everyday woman. I hope there will be another like her in the future to help break down the constant push of only conventionally pretty women in advertising.

Updated: Dec 08, 2021
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Famous Person in Advertising History. (2021, Dec 08). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/famous-person-in-advertising-history-essay

Famous Person in Advertising History essay
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