Communication Struggles and Triumphs: A Parent's Journey

Categories: Deaf


The narrative unfolds with the poignant tale of Lynn, a deaf child, and her parents, Louise and Tom. This essay delves into their challenges, the evolving perspectives on communication methods, and the ultimate triumph in finding a language that bridges the gap between the hearing and non-hearing worlds.

Parental Resolve in the Face of Adversity

Louise and Tom, confronted with the news of Lynn's deafness, embarked on a journey filled with determination and resilience. Their ardent desire to provide Lynn with a "normal" life led them to seek advice from various professionals.

However, the recurring counsel to treat Lynn as a "normal child," avoid sign language, and focus on oral communication created a perplexing conundrum for the parents. The prevailing societal notion that gestures and sign language would hinder Lynn's assimilation into the "normal" world loomed large.

Their exhaustive efforts, including testing Lynn's hearing, fitting her with a hearing aid, and enrolling her in the Star King Exceptional School, an oral school for deaf children, reflected their commitment to adhering to the prescribed path.

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The school, emphasizing lip reading and spoken language, represented their hope for Lynn to overcome her deafness through mastering oral communication. However, despite dedicated practice at home and school, progress remained slow, leaving Louise and Tom grappling with uncertainty.

Their journey into understanding Lynn's condition involved consultations with numerous doctors and specialists. Each professional reinforced the belief that treating Lynn as a "normal child" was the key to her success. The pressure on the parents to conform to this normative approach weighed heavily on them, contributing to the persistent struggle they faced in attempting to make Lynn's life as "normal" as possible.

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Furthermore, the revelation of Lynn's profound deafness, despite the employment of a hearing aid, added a layer of complexity to their predicament. The medical interventions, instead of yielding the expected improvements, only intensified the parents' quest for a solution. The emotional toll of navigating this uncharted territory took a toll on Louise and Tom, who were determined to decipher the best course of action for their beloved daughter.

Discovery of Sign Language: A Turning Point

The pivotal moment in Lynn's journey occurred when Louise and Tom encountered Barbara Simmons, an advocate for sign language. The introduction to Jim and Alice Hudson, a deaf couple, provided a different perspective—one that embraced sign language as a valuable mode of communication. The Hudsons elucidated how sign language could enhance Lynn's life and mitigate the struggles associated with trying to force oral communication.

Faced with the choice between adhering to societal norms and embracing a potentially more effective means of communication, Louise and Tom chose the latter. The decision to explore sign language marked a turning point, liberating Lynn from the constraints of solely oral communication. As the family delved into learning sign language, they experienced a remarkable acceleration in communication. Within a week, Lynn and her parents achieved a level of understanding that had eluded them during their prolonged pursuit of oral proficiency.

The introduction of sign language into their lives brought about a transformative experience. Lynn, previously struggling to make progress in the oral-centric educational environment, blossomed with the newfound mode of communication. The ability to express herself freely and the alleviation of the pressure to conform to spoken language norms contributed to Lynn's overall well-being.

Additionally, the collaboration with Jim and Alice Hudson provided invaluable insights into the deaf community's rich culture and the power of sign language in fostering connection and understanding. The once-elusive dream of effective communication for Lynn and her parents became a reality, marking the triumph of embracing diversity in language.

Reflections on the Journey and Societal Perceptions

The story prompts reflection on the societal attitudes that propagate the idea of a "normal" child and the associated aversion to sign language. The insistence on oral communication as the sole acceptable mode disregards the individual needs and capabilities of deaf children. The unjustified pressure to conform to societal expectations, as evident in the advice given to Louise and Tom, resulted in unnecessary challenges for Lynn.

The incidents in the narrative, such as Lynn's success in associating the word "Blue" with a touch experiment, underscore her intelligence and ability to grasp language, whether oral or signed. The resistance exhibited by Mr. Hughes and Tom towards sign language during a meeting reveals the deeply ingrained societal biases that hinder progress. However, the realization of the difficulties faced by Lynn in understanding spoken language served as a catalyst for change.

The narrative invites a broader conversation about the need to redefine societal norms concerning communication and to celebrate the diversity of language. Lynn's journey, marked by resilience, adaptation, and ultimate triumph, challenges preconceived notions and encourages a more inclusive perspective on communication methods, celebrating the richness of diversity in language and expression.

Conclusion: Embracing Diversity in Communication

The journey of Louise, Tom, and Lynn serves as a testament to the resilience of familial bonds and the importance of embracing diverse forms of communication. The societal pressure to conform to a predetermined notion of "normalcy" can impede the flourishing of individuals like Lynn, who possess unique strengths and capabilities.

Ultimately, the decision to embrace sign language not only facilitated Lynn's communication but also fostered a deeper understanding within the family. The story challenges preconceived notions and encourages a more inclusive perspective on communication methods, celebrating the richness of diversity in language and expression.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Communication Struggles and Triumphs: A Parent's Journey. (2016, Mar 01). Retrieved from

Communication Struggles and Triumphs: A Parent's Journey essay
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