Industrial Revolution and Child Labor

Positive and negative effects of Industrial Revolution
Thesis: The Industrial Revolution had social and economic implications that called for child labor, poor living conditions faced by workers, but ultimately led to an increase in overall productivity and jobs.

Child Labor

  • In the Philosophy of Manufacturers (Doc 3), Ure’s “firm conviction (opinion) is that every child would thrive better when employed in modern factories.” Based on his observations, it is inferred that he believes as long as a child seems happy and fit, they should use their youthfulness and give back to the community by working.


  • Likewise, a pamphlet (Doc 5) provides further evidence that child labor brought by the industrial revolution was, at first, viewed as a newly established, positive social aspect. Mr. Dale, the factory owner, set regulations in order to ensure the safety and welfare of his youthful workers.
  • One cannot conclude with the given information that child labor was a fallacious attempt of society to increase profit. Therefore, an additional document such as a descriptive, first person account of working conditions from a mistreated worker child is needed to further make this conclusion (ADOC).

Harsh environment faced by workers of the Industrial Revolution

In the Conditions of the Working Class in England (Doc 7), it is obvious that worker settlements of the Industrial Revolution were of poor conditions.

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For example, rivers running through Manchester were extremely polluted. This most likely caused working individuals to resent their choice of employment and debate on switching to a cleaner, more stable job (i.e.

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a farmer). (POV?) Engels, the author, most likely abhorred the inhumane treatment of workers since he strived for equality for all men (POV).

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Industrial Revolution and Child Labor. (2016, May 18). Retrieved from

Industrial Revolution and Child Labor essay
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