How Child Labor Affects Children in the Philippines?

Categories: Child Labour

According to NSO Survey, in the year 2011, the population of child laborers grew up to 3 million compared to the year 2001 which has 2.4 million population of child laborers. 25% of the population is doing hazardous jobs that can harm them. Many laws had been passed but the population of child labor still increases.

Child labor refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, their ability to attend regular classes, and is totally dangerous for them. In developing countries like the Philippines with high poverty and poor schooling opportunities, child labor is still present.

The vast majority of child labor is found in rural places and the unreached help of the government.

Poverty and lack of schools are considered the primary cause of child labor.

For better information, the researcher includes the history and the effects of the topic.

Its history can be traced to some dark realms of industrialization but in a more detailed study, the practice can reveal that child labor was present much before industrialization spread out.

Unfortunately, they work at lower pay.

The effects of child labor are definitely unimaginable for such a young age.

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Child labor deprives a child of a proper childhood. Their time of childhood days was now taken by their jobs.

They also suffer physically and mentally which makes them tortured. They are forced to feed their family and it gives them such a hard responsibility to handle. The parents must be aware of the rights of their children to be dressed, to be fed, and to attend school to have a better future.

Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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How Child Labor Affects Children in the Philippines?. (2016, Oct 14). Retrieved from

How Child Labor Affects Children in the Philippines? essay
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