Child Labor in Electronics: Unmasking Corporate Responsibility

Categories: Child Labour


Child labor is a pervasive issue affecting children and teenagers globally, compelling them to work under harsh conditions to support their families or repay debts. This paper delves into the worldwide phenomenon of child labor, shedding light on the reasons behind its existence and the detrimental impact on the lives of young individuals. Moreover, it scrutinizes the involvement of major electronic companies such as Apple, Samsung, and Foxconn in perpetuating child labor. This essay contends that urgent measures are needed to free children from the burdens of exploitative labor and impoverished living conditions.

Specifically, it explores the case of Apple, Inc., revealing its significant role in the perpetuation of child labor and the poisoning of its employees.

Child Labor Worldwide:

Despite being illegal in numerous countries, child labor persists, with many children under the age of twelve engaging in grueling work. The use of fake identifications further compounds this issue, allowing children and teenagers to be employed under the guise of adulthood.

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The desperation driving these underage individuals to seek employment lies in familial financial struggles or the inability to access education. Rooted in family problems, health issues, and the lack of basic necessities such as food, money, and water, child labor becomes a stark reality for many. Governments across the globe often turn a blind eye, contributing to the perpetuation of this egregious practice.

Child labor, though officially outlawed, remains prevalent in various industries. The electronic sector, often overlooked in discussions of child labor, is a significant contributor to the problem.

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Contrary to common belief associating child labor with industries such as clothing, furniture, or toys, it is pervasive in the electronic industry as well. Notably, major products like Apple's iPad, TV, and iPhone are revealed to be manufactured with the involvement of child labor. Foxconn, Apple's primary provider, stands accused of employing children under the age of twelve, exposing them to toxic conditions and even leading to suicides.

Government Inaction:

Despite the illegality of child labor, some governments fail to enforce punitive measures against companies or groups engaging in such practices. This lack of accountability places a heavy burden on children, as families are coerced into repaying debts or selling their crops to alleviate financial strains. The insistence that families must repay borrowed money, regardless of the consequences for their children, underscores the systemic nature of the issue. Tragically, the stress and hardships imposed by child labor often lead to severe consequences, including suicides and self-harm among young workers.

The grim reality is that governments and rulers often prioritize economic considerations over the well-being of their youngest citizens. In cases such as these, the exploitation of children becomes a means of survival for families, driven by the harsh choices presented to them. The consequences, however, are profound, as the toll on the mental and physical health of young workers is irreparable.

Case Study: Apple, Foxconn, and Samsung:

A glaring example of corporate involvement in child labor is Apple, Inc., one of the world's most renowned electronic companies. While the public often associates Apple with innovation and technological prowess, there exists a darker side to its operations. Foxconn, a major supplier for Apple, has been implicated in employing children in its manufacturing plants, leading to grave repercussions.

Additionally, Samsung, another electronic giant, faced accusations of utilizing child labor. However, upon closer inspection, it was revealed that these allegations were a strategic move by a competitor, RIM (Blackberry), aimed at sabotaging Samsung's reputation and gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. This instance underscores the complexity of the issue, where false accusations further muddy the waters of corporate responsibility.

Steve Jobs, the iconic co-founder and CEO of Apple, is often revered for his contributions to the high-tech industry. However, the reality behind the scenes reveals a less glamorous side. Jobs, like many top executives, succumbed to the pitfalls of excessive wealth and made decisions that exacerbated child labor issues within the business. His loss of focus and control over Apple's factories played a pivotal role in tarnishing the company's reputation and causing a crisis within the industry.

Foxconn's Admissions:

The major culprit in Apple's association with child labor is Foxconn, its primary manufacturing partner. Shockingly, Foxconn admitted to having 164 children working in its various factories across the globe. This revelation, coupled with instances of abuse and poisoning of employees, has raised serious questions about Apple's reliance on Foxconn and the ethics of its supply chain.

Tim Costello led a study in Taiwan, delving into the lives of Foxconn workers. The findings exposed instances of "corporal violence" inflicted on employees, further tarnishing the reputation of the manufacturing giant. Foxconn's acknowledgment of these grave issues underscores the severity of the situation and demands immediate attention from both the company and the broader industry.

Author's Stance and Solution:

From a moral standpoint, Apple finds itself implicated in the perpetuation of child labor through its association with Foxconn. Despite this acknowledgment, the author admits to a continued personal use of Apple products, highlighting the complex relationship consumers have with the ethical implications of their choices. The author contends that for real change to occur, Foxconn must reform its practices, or Apple needs to seek alternative suppliers committed to ethical labor practices.

The proposed solution to combat child labor involves establishing a worldwide legal working age that every government must implement. The absence of a globally standardized working age contributes to the prevalence of child labor in countries like India, China, Japan, Pakistan, and beyond. The implementation of a universal working age would serve as a crucial step towards eradicating child labor and ensuring the ethical treatment of young workers worldwide.

As a major player in the technology industry, Apple has the potential to lead the way in effecting change. While the company has been at the forefront of technological innovation, the author argues that it must also take responsibility for its supply chain practices. Just as Apple has shaped the landscape of technology, it can similarly influence the eradication of child labor by setting a precedent for ethical standards within the industry.


In conclusion, the issue of child labor remains a grave concern on a global scale, with children and teenagers subjected to exploitative conditions for the financial gain of their families or to repay debts. The involvement of major electronic companies like Apple, Samsung, and Foxconn in perpetuating child labor adds a layer of complexity to this pervasive problem. The essay underscores the urgent need for these companies to take responsibility for their supply chain practices and eradicate child labor.

The case study of Apple and Foxconn reveals the stark reality of children being employed in manufacturing plants, facing abuse, poisoning, and even death. The author's stance on Apple's culpability raises important questions about consumer responsibility and the role of major corporations in shaping ethical standards. Ultimately, the proposed solution of establishing a worldwide legal working age aims to address the root causes of child labor and create a framework for change. As we continue to benefit from technological advancements, it is imperative that we also demand ethical practices from the companies driving innovation.

Updated: Jan 11, 2024
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Child Labor in Electronics: Unmasking Corporate Responsibility. (2016, Dec 09). Retrieved from

Child Labor in Electronics: Unmasking Corporate Responsibility essay
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