
A. Communication in the workplace is a valuable tool that is essential in our everyday life. Knowing how to communicate efficiently and effectively will enable you to successfully achieve every goal you set in life.
B. Do you want to stand out from the competitor? The top 10 communication skills that ensure that the first word spoken is as valuable as the last word spoken. Master these skills and demonstrate them in your everyday life, your image will take your career to the next level.

Effective Communication Skills

A. Effective Tools
B. Mastering your Skills

  1. Align your skill to the task at hand
  2. Familiarize yourself with other in-demand skills
  3. Use communication classes to your advantage
  4. Don’t stop when you achieve your goal


Effective communication skills will be the stepping stone for your future. This will enable you to become all that you can be and be proud of your accomplishments.

Effective Tools


A good listener is a key factory in good communication skills.

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Showing that you are interested in what someone is saying is better than someone is distracted by concentrating on what they have to say next. It is going to be difficult to reply if you are not listening to the question or comment.

Practice on being an active listener. Active listening involves eye to eye contact, paying close attention to what is being said, and making sure you have clarity of what is being said. Being an active listener, you will have a better understanding of what the person is trying to say, which in turn, allows you to respond appropriately.

Nonverbal Communication

Another key factor ineffective communication is nonverbal communication.

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Eye to eye contact, body language, hand gestures and voice tone will relay a positive or negative to a person. Relax, take your time in speaking, and think about what you are trying to say. A friendly tone will help you to appear approachable and will enable others to talk to you without feeling intimidated.

Eye to eye contact is very important. You want to demonstrate that you are focused and interested in what is being said. Pay close attention to what the other person is nonverbal signals as well. Sometime nonverbal signals convey how a person is feeling about what is being stated.

Clarity and Concision

Clarity and Concision means saying enough to get your point across. Saying too much or too less can sometimes be confusing. Try to summarize your statement, say what you want to say clearly and directly. Rambling will cause your listener to tune you out or misinterpreted what you are trying to say. Always think before you speak.


A friendly tone, showing concern, or a simple “How’s your day going”, will encourage the listener to engage in an open and honest conversation with you. It is very important to always be polite and smile when communicating. This is a good practice whether it be face-to-face or through written communication. Making the conversation personal helps to the recipient to be relaxed and more appreciated about your being concerned about their well-being.


Always be confident in yourself. It also helps if you show the person you are speaking to feel that you have confidence in them to over exceed the expectation you require. Ensuring that they are more than capable in completing the task helps them to enjoy the opportunity to be considered for the task.


Taking the time to actively listen to what a person is saying and confirming that you understand what they are going though, lets them know that you are interested in their opinion and well-being.


Always be open to new ideas. Everyone wants to be able to provide new ideas without feeling that no one cares about what they think. Be genuinely committed to listening and take the first step in trying to implement what they are suggesting. Let them know that they are part of the team and you value their input.


Respect is also important. The old saying “Respect begets respect” is true. If you don’t show respect to others, what makes you think they are going to respect you.


Request feedback on situations to get a broader understanding of a situation. Feedback can help improve the way a process is done. Everyone has an idea, encourage feedback, that helps build confidence and the feel of value.

Picking the Right Medium

Knowing the correct form of communication is important. Whether it be in writing or in person, know how to deliver the message would be appreciated and thoughtful and your response will be positive.


Knowing how to communicate effectively is essential when speaking to superiors, co-workers, and the public. Conveying and receiving information in will help you to be more effective and respected in life.


Communication Skills for Workplace Success; Alison Doyle, November, 2019:

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Communication in the Workplace. (2020, Sep 18). Retrieved from

Communication in the Workplace essay
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