Building a Positive Culture and Inspiring Others to Become Leaders


The essence of leadership is the ability to building a positive culture and inspire others to become leaders and/or help them reach their full potential. It is also important to promote clear and open communication and build trusting relationships among stakeholders and within the community. As a leader, it is my aspiration to create a culture where all stakeholders come first and build a trusting relationship among all stakeholders. This will allow the opportunity to build a strong team of people from varying backgrounds, beliefs and goals to share one vision and to ensure the success of our children to be successful in the 21st .

It is also my goal to create leaders by celebrating their success and encouraging them as well as cultivating a growth mindset through continuous learning opportunities.

Anyone can be a leader; however, an effective leader is a key to success in business, education, and other leadership positions. “Like the taproot of a tree, the leaders must invest in themselves first to ensure they are their best selves in order to create a culture and climate that realizes growth in its people” (Moulds, P.

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& Scott, S., 2018). This analogy represents my educational leadership philosophy to ensure that I am continuing to be an active learner, so I may continue to show growth and develop a growth mindset among all stakeholders. This will allow me to build a positive culture and inspire others to become leaders which will improve student’s overall success. Coley (2006) states “an effective administrator demonstrates the characteristics of a transformational leader who builds a community by inspiring followers to become leaders” (p. 93).

Philosophy of Educational Leadership

As an educational leader, it is my belief that it imperative to build a positive culture among all stakeholders (students, staff, and community leaders) so that the shared vision can be accomplished.

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As a team, we have a common goal insight which is to ensure that all students are successful and college and career ready to compete globally in the 21st century. It is my belief that it is my responsibility to make sure that the stakeholder's needs are being met and to inspire them to become the version of their best self through continuous education of the growth mindset. It is my responsibility to face challenges head-on with integrity and transparency.

Leadership Practice

The leadership practice that I relate to most is servant leadership. Greenleaf (1977) presented servant leadership as a philosophy and group of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, creates better and healthier organizations and builds a more caring world. A servant leader places other needs before their own needs and assist others in becoming the best. Jesus was the ultimate example of a servant leader. Jesus placed others needs before his, ultimately, dying on the cross for our sins. He was a teacher, encourager, motivator and he equips us with the tools to become leaders. As a servant leader, it is important that I am an active listener by allowing others to state their opinions and give their feedback. Have an open-door policy where stakeholders discuss their needs and/or challenges. It is important to continue to commit to growth by providing professional development and providing more responsibility and accountability because you believe in them. I will also take time for reflection to examine what could an individual and/or as a team do to improve and grow. By utilizing this leadership style, this will enable me to build a positive culture and inspire others to become leaders.


It is critical to foster a positive relationship among all stakeholders among the school. This builds trust among the leader/staff, staff members and leaders/community-parents. Once the relationships are built, parent and community participation should increase, and student achievement will grow. Since our educational system (i.e. curriculum) is constantly changing, it is important to have a safe place where parents can ask questions and/or participate in different ways to help their children at home. It also gives parents/community a way to provide feedback to school because it is equally important to establish a system for continuous improvement.


Educational leaders must take in account for the following diversity factors: race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, religious beliefs, and sexual orientation. The University of Rhode Island defines diversity in the classroom as “understanding each student brings unique experiences, strengths, and ideas to the classroom…Diversity is the exploration and incorporation of these differences to enrich learning in our classroom.” Some schools are facing issues with sexual orientation within the schools to include determining the appropriate bathrooms, becoming homecoming king/queen, etc. to name a few. Most schools are addressing the issue as it comes along basing it on the nondiscrimination policy with gender. This factor along with the others can be extremely challenging; however, as it is my educational philosophy to do my best to promote a healthy culture by promoting diversity within the classroom and communicating my goals for diversity with all stakeholders including parents and community to ensure that all students feel safe and are successful.


It is important that as leaders we must continually grow through personal and professional development. Building a strong positive relationship with stakeholders by investing in them and letting them know everyone has a voice. Corinthians 12:20 states “as it is, there are many parts, but one body”. Although stakeholders come from different backgrounds, beliefs, aspirations, we have one common goal is to ensure that our students are college career ready who are ready to compete globally in the 21st century.


Coley, K. S. (2006). The helmsman: Leading with courage and wisdom. Colorado Springs, CO:
Purposeful Design.
Greenleaf, , R.K (1977). Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power
and Greatness. Paulist Press: New York
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2017). The leadership challenge: How to Make Extraordinary
Things Happen in Organizations (6th ed), Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons
Moulds, Phillip, and Scott, Stephen. “Leader Development Vs Leadership Development.”
Independence. 43.2 (2018): 18–23
University of Rhode Island. “Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom-Introduction”. Retrieved
from www.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Building a Positive Culture and Inspiring Others to Become Leaders essay
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