Why Am I Applying for the Celta Course?

As a teacher by profession, I have taught children of different age groups with different abilities from different backgrounds. It has been and is still is an amazing profession because you never stop learning new things and impacting lives and making a positive difference in the lives of children. I was losing my passion and joy for teaching but gained it back when I went to teach in Japan for 2 years. It was 2 years of rediscovering my joy for teaching others, 2 years of planning what exactly I wanted to do with teaching and a clearer picture of how far I want to go in my teaching career.


I am grateful for the privilege I have as a teacher to be able to apply and develop my knowledge and skills when planning lessons, differentiating them for different abilities, marking and giving constructive feedback, setting tests and assess and correlate data for each pupil, how to manage a class of children and adults, developing the curriculum to suit the needs of the pupils by using new ideas.

However to be an well grounded EAL teacher and consultant, I believe the CELTA course wil help me further enhance my skills and understanding of teaching English as a second language to children and adults of any age.


I would like to apply and study to obtain the CELTA certificate because it is a highly practical one that would help develop language skills in a more structured way.

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It would provide me with better in depth knowledge and understanding of the English Grammar and up to date teaching methodology. It would also give me a very good opportunity to interact and network with students from other cultures and prepare me for lifelong teaching and learning in and out of the UK.

Updated: Dec 20, 2021
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Why Am I Applying for the Celta Course?. (2020, Jun 01). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/applying-celta-course-new-essay

Why Am I Applying for the Celta Course? essay
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