Bharati Mukherjee's Critique of Identity and Immigration Experience

Categories: American Dream


Bharati Mukherjee's essay, "American Dreamer," captivates readers with a compelling exploration of the American Dream and her critique of hyphenated identities. This analysis delves into the structure and key themes of Mukherjee's essay, providing insights into her positive perspective on the American Dream and her objection to being labeled as Indian-American.

Admiration for the Bill of Rights

Mukherjee opens her essay by expressing admiration for the foundational principles of the United States, particularly the Bill of Rights. Her perspective aligns with the nation's progress, acknowledging, however, that not everyone may share this sentiment.

Mukherjee's nuanced approach sets the stage for a discussion on the dual nature of opinions surrounding the core values that define the United States.

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Identity Struggle

A central theme in Mukherjee's essay is her discomfort with the term "Indian-American." Through persuasive writing, she articulates her objection to being hyphenated, an identity struggle many immigrants face. This section explores Mukherjee's powerful expressions and the reader's inclination to sympathize with her stance, drawing parallels to personal experiences and reflections on identity.

Legalized Citizenship Journey

Mukherjee shares her personal journey of working tirelessly to attain legalized citizenship in the United States. Her narrative invites readers to reflect on the challenges immigrants face and prompts consideration of their own hypothetical experiences in a foreign country. This section emphasizes the importance of legal pathways to citizenship and the value Mukherjee places on the American Dream.

Cultural Comparisons

Mukherjee's essay delves into the comparison between her native culture and the United States. Notably, she highlights the strict laws and regulations of her culture, such as arranged marriages, prompting readers to appreciate the freedoms inherent in their own society.

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This section explores Mukherjee's unique cultural lens and its impact on the reader's perception of cultural values.

American Dream and Immigration

An exploration of Mukherjee's perspective on the reasons behind migration to the United States unfolds in this section. The focus on the allure of freedom as a driving force for immigration prompts readers to ponder the absence of a reciprocal migration pattern from Americans to other countries. This section raises thought-provoking questions about the essence of the American Dream and its global implications.

Concerns about Overpopulation and Immigration Policies

Mukherjee's essay incorporates a discussion on the significant influx of immigrants to the United States over the past twenty-five years. This section raises concerns about potential overpopulation and advocates for a reevaluation of immigration policies. The exploration of these concerns prompts readers to contemplate the delicate balance between welcoming newcomers and ensuring the sustainability of the nation's resources.

Critique of Illegal Immigration

Addressing the contentious topic of illegal immigration, this section presents the author's personal views on the strain it may pose on the country's resources. The argument emphasizes the importance of legal citizenship, urging responsible and ethical immigration practices. Mukherjee's essay prompts readers to consider the ethical dimensions of immigration and the potential consequences of undocumented individuals accessing public services.

Hyphenated Identities

Mukherjee's firm stance against hyphenated identities is echoed in this section, where the analysis aligns with her perspective. The exploration emphasizes the significance of a unified American identity, devoid of racial distinctions. Readers are encouraged to reflect on the implications of hyphenated identities and consider the merits of embracing a collective national identity.


In conclusion, this analysis affirms Mukherjee's essay as a thought-provoking exploration of the American Dream and the complexities surrounding identity. The call to reconsider hyphenated identities and immigration policies resonates throughout the essay, leaving readers with a profound reflection on the essence of citizenship and the values that define a nation. Mukherjee's impactful writing serves as an invitation for readers to engage in a constructive dialogue on these critical issues, prompting a reevaluation of their own perspectives.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Bharati Mukherjee's Critique of Identity and Immigration Experience. (2017, Jan 04). Retrieved from

Bharati Mukherjee's Critique of Identity and Immigration Experience essay
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