The Dynamics of Power and Submission in "Another Evening at the Club"

Categories: Short Story

The intricate relationship between a young bride and an older husband is a theme laden with conflict and security. In the short story "Another Evening at the Club," the dynamics of this relationship are explored through the characters Samia, a Muslim woman, and Abbond Bey, a wealthy and influential man. This essay delves into the nuanced interplay of power and submission, examining how Samia's learned role influences Abbond's male identity.

The Establishment of Authority

At the inception of the story, the narrative transports us to Samia's home, where she first encounters Abbond Bey—the man chosen to be her life partner.

The scene unfolds with her father and Abbond engaged in banter and negotiations while Samia, following the cultural expectations, displays submissive behavior. Ordered to sit by Abbond, she later receives a mere glance, directing her to join her mother in the kitchen. This early interaction sets the tone for the authority wielded by men in her upbringing and foreshadows her future role in Abbond's life.

Even in the absence of her mother from the main discussion, her departure with a simple glance reflects the unspoken dominance of men.

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This hints at how Samia's learned obedience and submission to male figures might impact her relationship with Abbond. The dynamics of authority established in her familial context are likely to influence her behavior and perceptions within her new marital bond.

Cultural Symbolism and Identity Reinforcement

At the wedding, Abbond demonstrates his understanding of Samia's mindset by advising her to exhibit suitable dignity despite her youth.

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He instructs her to proudly proclaim her marital status and highlight her family's prestige. In their cultural context, the man represents the family, and Samia's praises effectively contribute to Abbond's identity. By showcasing her family's power and respect, Samia indirectly boosts Abbond's ego and secures his societal standing. This cultural symbolism intertwines their identities, creating a narrative where the woman's role is to enhance the man's public image.

Abbond's male identity is, therefore, sculpted not only by his individual traits but also by Samia's adherence to societal norms. Her role is instrumental in reinforcing and perpetuating the image of the powerful male figure within their cultural framework.

The Manifestation of Power: Fear and Violence

Later in the story, after an incident at a club, Samia loses a ring given to her by Abbond. Instead of confronting the woman she suspects, she turns to her husband, seeking his intervention. Abbond, displaying another form of dominance, violently interrogates the woman and involves the police. This episode exemplifies the manifestation of power through fear and control. Samia's reliance on Abbond to resolve the situation reflects the power dynamics at play, where he acts as the ultimate authority.

When Samia eventually finds the ring and admits her mistake, Abbond dismisses her words, deeming it an embarrassment. The narrative takes a darker turn when Abbond, in a stark departure from past gestures, forcefully strikes Samia, transforming a once reassuring touch into a harsh rebuke. This incident underscores the fragility of Samia's position and the thin line between affection and violence.


In conclusion, "Another Evening at the Club" unravels the complexities of power and submission within the context of a marital relationship. Samia's learned role, influenced by cultural expectations, significantly shapes Abbond's male identity. The establishment of authority, cultural symbolism, and the manifestation of power through fear and violence collectively contribute to the narrative's exploration of gender dynamics. The story serves as a poignant commentary on the intricacies of power within relationships and the ways in which societal expectations can influence individual identities.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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The Dynamics of Power and Submission in "Another Evening at the Club" essay
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