Cultural Responses in Global Power Dynamics

Categories: EvolutionSociety

The cultural evolution experienced by Western and non-Western people can suggest the different degrees at which they were able to cope or deflect changes. Different people from different cultures had their own way of imposing their own culture as world standard, or, own way of keeping their natural heritage despite the pressure from more advanced countries. The cultural confrontation between the West and non-West people has shown evidences that both cultures found their way to impose or protect their cultural legacy from other forces.

People chose either to accept of deflect other ideas offerred to them.

In a way, this was seen as an act to reduce power or an act to widen cultural compatibility (Lee, 2001, n. p). Nonetheless, the different reactions which this confrontation has instigated is a proof that both sides exerted an effort to preserve their culture, or dominate others through it. The prevalent culture during the modern and post-industrial societies was dominated by the emergence of newly invented and discovered tenchological changes.

These changes engined the spur of the world domination by larger, richer and stronger countries.

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Hence, at this point, the cultural influence by strong Western countries was more profound and evident. The changes in the culture and society became more pronounced that greatly affected the growth of developing countries. It either caused progress or made one's economy stagnant, depending on the manner at which a country has used various influences outside their country.

On the other hand, as changes became strongly imposed on certain countries, some countries who didn't have the appropriate resources to support growth were left stranded and stagnant.

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Hence, it invoked large amount of anxiety and retaliation amongst the citizens. And some of them resorted to induce violence and low-intensity terrorism (Lesser, n. d). At this point, world leaders encouraged harnessing international cooperation and enforced an amount of control and authority over less deveoped countries in order to prevent chaos that might become resultant from these violent acts.

As such, these changes, developments and the emergence of conflicts brought the government of the United States of America at the front of events. They initiated distinct political and economic relationships with other countries that were proven to be beneficial to their own pursuits. They used these relationships to impose authority over other less developed nations, while ensuring international peace and cooperation (Vaughn, 2007, pp. 4-37). The international leadership role that the U.

S government assumed invited a wider array of reflections and different opinions from international political and economic players. Some had believed them as an agent for growth and development, while some advocacy groups had labeled them to have ruined the traditional spectrum of culture that they have kept. As such, while some countries were able to extend their economies to full potential, some countries were left stagnated and impoverished.


Lee, H. I.Cultural Confrontation and Compromise: The Response of Non-Western Societies to Western Political Ideas. The International Journal of Peace, Volume 6, Number 2. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http://www. gmu. edu/academic/ijps/vol6_2/Lee. htm Lesser, I. Countering The New Terrorism: Implications for Strategy. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from rand. org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR989/MR989. chap4. pdf Vaughn, B. (2007, January 22) U. S Strategic and Defense Relationships in the Asia-Pacific Region. Congressional Research Service. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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