Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology

The Women in Science and Health career panel discussion was very interesting. The panel consisted of three women from different science and health backgrounds. I thought they provided very insightful and valuable information about starting and cultivating a career in science and health. The panel guests gave a lot of helpful advice. Some topics they discussed included the importance of finding a mentor to help you along your educational and career pathway. Your mentor should be someone that is supportive and shares your vision of your future.

They also talked about how it can be helpful to work in the field before going to grad school. It is important to gain experience and build professional relationships. This can help you figure out what you want to do in life and could help open the door to more career opportunities. It is also important to push yourself towards your end goal, as well as having a strong support system that are encouraging of your career and work.

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I also thought what was said about being involved and pursuing interests that are relevant to your goals was important. I think it is common for people to volunteer just so they can add another thing to their resume.

While it is important and good to volunteer and give back to the community. You should also try to find volunteer opportunities that pertain to your career goals. Lastly, one of the things that resonated with me the most was how they keep themselves motivated. They responded that it is important to figure out why this is a problem.

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Is it because you don't like and enjoy what you are doing or that you are scared you won't succeed and accomplish your goals? This is a common problem for me, as well as many other people. It is common to worry about your future since there is so much uncertainty. But this is the situation for the majority of people. It is rare for someone's like to be plotted out for them from beginning to end. It is important to accept that there will always be hurdles, but you just have to push through them and figure out another solution. There are always other options we can turn to, but failure should not be one of them. After listening to the speakers, it helped me realize the next steps I should be taking to further my career. I know I should volunteer more and look to see what areas of public health interests me the most. I should also reach out to a mentor to help guide me as I work towards my educational and career goal. Most importantly, they helped reassure me of my future. Though I still have a long way to go, it was comforting to hear the ways they motivated themselves and that it is not the end of the world if you have to shift gears and stray from your original plan; as long as you enjoy what you do.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology. (2016, Aug 30). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/women-in-science-engineering-and-technology-essay

Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology essay
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