Photorealistic Gaming In The Future

Within the next ten years, we will have photorealistic gaming. In conjunction with the anticipation of next-generation consoles coming in 2020, graphics show a continuous trend of improving to the point of hyperrealism. Already we are saying things akin to "wow, look how realistic the skin textures are" or "this landscape honestly looks like a photo." I distinctly remember staring at a cutscene on TV (out of context) and not being able to tell if it was an advertisement for a video game or a movie (it was a video game).

I believe that, in the near future, a video game without the overlaying HUD and interfaces will be easily mistaken for a live-action, cinematic film or television show, even after a closer analysis. Game publishers are always looking for a way to push the envelope and satisfy their customers. And, although I do not fit into this category, there will always be a market of people looking for games with the most detailed, photographic graphics.

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Video games have always been an art form, and life imitates art.

I'd recently played Detroit: Become Human with a friend, and the main theme of the game explored the idea of advanced AI---questioning if robots should have rights, whether they possessed a fully realized conscious or not. In the game, androids deviated from their original coding and became autonomous beings. A study in 2016, conducted by Oxford, found that 47% of US and 57% of worldwide jobs could be lost to automation. Similarly, Stephen Hawking also believed that artificial intelligence would spell the end of the human race [1].

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I do not believe that artificial intelligence will seamlessly blend in with society or be able to "deviate" from their programming, not within ten to fifteen years at least, but I do believe that it will develop in our favor, not be our economic and social doom. The voices used in robots will sound less robotic and disjointed, more natural and smoother to facilitate conversation between a human and AI. There will be less, if no time between a question or command in a way that reflects an actual conversation. The line between human and android will be blurred.

Within the next century, I expect a gradual but noticeable emergence of brain-computer interfaces, or BCIs. To specify, a brain-computer interface is a computational system implanted in the brain that allows a person to control a computer or other electronic device using electrical signals from the brain [2]. The amount of research involved has spiraled exponentially since the mid-90s. With this idea in mind, the development of BCIs can only expand and grow further as our own technology and understanding improves. Currently, are robots in development that can be controlled in a way that is seemingly telepathic. This type of technology would greatly benefit the disabled, as they would always not need the assistance of a caretaker throughout the day. They would be able to complete basic, everyday tasks by themselves. Beyond this, BCIs can be advanced to a point of everyday use. It could be used to track and monitor health, take photos and videos with the blink of an eye. It could be used as an entertainment system, where the VR experience can be internalized for true emersion; you'd be able to play video games, watch movies, and browse Twitter and YouTube---all in your own head. Perhaps you'd even be able to share and spread information in what would be called a "cloudmind." Swan mentions that we are inherently social creature, and new technologies could continue to facilitate these interactions [2]. Maybe one day it will not be strange to hear that you had a brain-chip installed at birth, and it would be stranger to hear that you hadn't.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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