Effects of Online Gaming

Students these days are spending more of their free time playing computer games. There are positive and negative effects associated with playing video games. Set a regular routine for your child so he knows when it is time to do homework and when to play games.

Health Problems

Some students get carried away with playing their computer games for excessive amounts of time. Your child's health might be affected negatively if he plays computer games persistently. His eye sight might get worse because he is constantly staring at the computer.

Since your child sits in one position while playing computer games, he may be at risk of gaining extra weight due to lack of daily exercise. Encourage your child to play outside or get other physical fitness so she plays computer games for a limited amount of time.

Lack of Social Skills

If students are spending too much time playing computer games, they may not be getting enough social interaction at home.

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Students should have proper communication skills so they can interact with teachers and classmates while at school. Good social skills will help your kid feel healthy and happy at school -- and can possibly boost his interest in school work. Limit the time your child spends on computer games. Be interactive; play board games that can boost your child's social skills.

Intelligence Benefits

According to All Academic Research, playing computer games may not be all that bad for your children. Peng Wei states that educational games can be effective assisting tools in the educational areas of management, medicine and science.

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If you choose the right educational computer games, your child may learn better problem-solving skills and eye-hand coordination. Your child may also get the ability to think fast and think of multiple things all at once. Skills obtained from playing computer games may help your child learn quickly when it comes to his studies. If your child is struggling in one of his school subjects, there are many educational computer games available for him. There are math and reading related games that may help boost your child's skills. These games can be both fun and educational for your children Surpassing music and movie media in sales, there's little doubt that computer gaming has become high school students' favorite leisure choice. Not surprisingly, gaming culture has become a polarizing force in American society, as well. Proponents see new educational opportunities, while critics cite a growing body of research that suggests negative impacts on behavior and cognition.

Positive Effects

Solving problems through logic and intuition is cited as one major benefit of computer games, which put a premium on abstract reasoning, improved hand-eye coordination and visual-spatial ability for success. The fast pace of many games also sharpens adaptive thinking and quick decision-making skills. Players must also decide how to maximize scarce resources, a key feature of strategic games such as SimCity, Age of Empires and Railroad Tycoon.

Negative Effects

Critics suggest that long-term exposure to violent game imagery desensitizes players, who must earn rewards by repeating successful behaviors such as killing enemy soldiers. Definitive answers haven't emerged on this point, but social critics maintain that it's wrong to reward revenge or aggression. Other consequences included reduced academic performance, greater risk of social isolation and lack of outlets for natural creativity.

Cultural Effects

Surprising uses are being observed for games that seemed unimaginable when they appeared on the mass market two decades ago. In Philadelphia, the U. S. Army set up its own arcade to boost recruiting efforts, "Certification" magazine reported in April 2009. Besides the usual computer and Xbox games, this facility included a Black Hawk helicopter simulator room. Companies are also rolling out efforts like "America's Army," a free game designed to give players a taste of the military experience.

Societal Effects

Considering all the criticism aimed at gaming, it's not surprising that the issue remains far from settled. For example, a 2004 survey of 1,254 adolescents by Harvard Medical School researchers presented a more nuanced picture of gaming than the one typically presented by academics. Among other findings, the research suggested that young people didn't see gaming as an isolator but instead as a means of connecting and socializing with friends. Computer Gaming Effects on Academic Performance The computer and video game industry has grown considerably over the past decade. In 2005 a study conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation: "Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 year-olds", showed that over 80 percent of teenagers had a video game player in their home. The widespread use of video games has led to a series of questions. The most common question discusses the effects that the video/computer games have on the academic performance of the gamer. Researchers have found that each situation should be handled independently because the effects vary from individual to individual. Positive Effects Many people focus on the negative effects of these games and fail to see the opportunity for learning and growth. According to Raise Smart Kids: “The Good and Bad Effects of Video Games” there are several positive effects that come from spending time playing video games. Most games do not teach kids math, history and other subjects, however, they do provide students indirect opportunities to learn principles that can help them in their academic pursuits. Certain types of video games can help train kids to follow instructions as well as helping them develop their problem solving and logical thought processes. These skills translate directly to the classroom as students are asked by teachers to complete tasks and are presented problems that require them to use logical problem solving skills. Kids can also learn inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing. Games will often present them with a situation that needs to be solved and this causes the kids to have to develop problem-solving techniques. Before purchasing a video game a parent should talk with a representative at the store to see what the overall premise of the game is to see if it includes elements that will help build these aforementioned qualities.

Negative Effects

Although there are some positive effects that are possible form video/computer game use there are mostly negative effects. Several professors conducted a research project to determine the effect of gaming on academic performance. According to the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology: “Gaming Frequency and Academic Performance” individuals who spend two or more hours playing games on a daily basis score lower in every subject than their non-gaming counterparts. By spending a high percentage of time on video games there is not enough time left to spend in studying for classes. The study found that there was “not a single significant positive correlation between gaming and academic performance. ”


According to a list of statistics produced by Media Family: “Effects of Video Game Playing on Children” roughly 97 percent of kids played video games in 2008. In 2006 45 percent of kids were regular gamers, which means that they played for two or more hours on a daily basis. The high number of kids shows the importance of learning to choose games that will help strengthen and push the intellect of the child playing.

Effects of online games

Online gaming has emerged as a popular and successful source of entertainment and play for people of all ages, especially for the students.People nowadays rely much on technology to help them in their daily lives. Communication by the use of cellphones, gaining information using the internet is just some of the examples. Online gaming has emerged as a popular and successful source of entertainment and play for people of all ages, especially for the students.. They use the computer for recreation and as a tool for online gaming. The research paper will contain facts and information’s about recreation and its definition. It will explain why people may not be able to live if there is no recreation. It will also contain why people need recreation and is vital to the daily lives of people. After that, the research paper will focus to one type of recreation, the online gaming.

It will explain what is online gaming, who are the ones mostly engaged in that activity and what is in online gaming that many people seem to be easily attached and addicted to it The research paper will explain what the influences of online gaming to people especially to the high school students. Some may be obvious but the others are somewhat invisible that people don’t realize that they are actually being affected by online gaming in many ways. Those influences will be subdivided into three: social, mental and emotional and will be clearly explained by the researchers. Also, the research paper will contain the positive and negative effects of online gaming in terms of high school student’s manner of talking and thinking.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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Effects of Online Gaming. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/effects-of-online-gaming-essay

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