The Impact of Vices on Student Motivation and Academic Performance

Human societies have long grappled with the concept of vice, identifying certain practices, behaviors, or habits as morally reprehensible, depraved, or degrading. Vices, in their various forms, are detrimental to individuals, manifesting negative consequences across physical, emotional, mental, and social dimensions. In contemporary society, the prevalence of vices has reached alarming levels, especially among the younger generation. This essay delves into the influence of vices, specifically alcoholism, smoking, computer games, and gambling, on students' motivation and academic performance.

The Pervasiveness of Vices Among Students

Today's generation faces a myriad of vices, including drug addiction, smoking, computer games, social networking, gambling, pre-marital sex, pornography, and drinking.

These vices have become more accessible to the public, with factors such as age appropriateness and increased independence from parents contributing to their prevalence. Among these, alcoholism, smoking, computer games, and gambling stand out as the most common and prevalent vices among students, particularly those in MMC-CAST.

Alcoholism: A Persistent Challenge

Alcohol dependence, commonly known as alcoholism, is a chronic condition characterized by compulsive drinking beyond one's control (Grand et al., 2004).

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College, viewed as a prime time for experimentation and socialization, becomes a breeding ground for excessive drinking. Research indicates that college students, on average, consume alcohol more frequently and heavily than their non-collegiate peers (SAMHSA, 2004b). The alteration of brain chemistry due to alcohol intake poses a substantial risk of depression, potentially affecting students' focus and academic performance.

The Smoking Dilemma

Smoking, another prevalent vice, continues to perplex society despite well-established health risks. Addiction plays a pivotal role, with genetic factors influencing one's susceptibility to this habit (Lerman et al., 1999; Pianezza et al., 1998; Sabol et al., 1999).

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Smokers often cite emotional attachment, cravings, and the belief that smoking enhances mental activity as reasons for their continued engagement (Piper et al., 2004). Understanding the psychological and genetic underpinnings of smoking is essential to address and mitigate its impact on students.

The Allure of Computer Games

Computer games have emerged as the predominant form of entertainment among adolescents and young adults. The appeal lies in the enhanced graphics, immersive gameplay, and the social aspect of gaming (Galore et al., 2002). As a result, the consumption of computer games surpasses that of electronic texts or hypertext fiction. The pervasive nature of these games raises concerns about their influence on students' time management, socialization, and overall academic engagement.

Gambling: A Growing Trend

Modern society witnesses an upsurge in gambling activities among college students, extending beyond traditional forms. Gambling involves wagering money or valuable items on events with uncertain outcomes, with the primary intent of winning additional resources. The advent of online platforms has diversified gambling options, ranging from computer gaming to sports betting. This trend raises questions about the potential impact of gambling on students' time, commodities, health, and education.

Exploring the Impact on Student Motivation and Academic Performance

The consequences of these vices extend beyond individual well-being, affecting crucial aspects of a student's life, including motivation and academic performance. Time, commodities, health, and education are at stake, prompting an exploration into whether these activities impinge on students' motivation and performance in school. Academic success and perseverance in attaining high grades are essential for future benefits, making it imperative to determine the influence of vices on students' conduct in their studies.

This research aims to discern the extent to which vices affect students' motivation and participation in classes and school academic activities. By focusing on prevalent vices such as alcoholism, smoking, computer games, and gambling, the study seeks to unravel the intricate connections between these behaviors and students' academic engagement. The findings may provide valuable insights into developing strategies to address and mitigate the impact of vices on students' overall well-being and academic success.


In conclusion, the prevalence of vices among the younger generation, particularly college students, raises concerns about their impact on motivation and academic performance. Alcoholism, smoking, computer games, and gambling emerge as the most common vices, each presenting unique challenges. Understanding the underlying factors contributing to these behaviors is crucial in developing effective interventions to safeguard students' well-being and academic success. As society grapples with the complexities of addressing these vices, ongoing research and proactive measures are essential to create a conducive environment for students to thrive both academically and personally.

Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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The Impact of Vices on Student Motivation and Academic Performance. (2016, Apr 02). Retrieved from

The Impact of Vices on Student Motivation and Academic Performance essay
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