The person I decided to do the profile essay on is a

The person I decided to do the profile essay on is a close friend of my step father, Jassiel Phillips, who is a Health Information Technician, and what interested me about him is how he found a perfect balance between his career and his personal life. He is a well spoken, spiritual, and intellectual individual who is a professional in the field he is in. He can be defined as humble, full of life kind of person, with a good sense of humor as well.

Also, Phillips enjoys meeting new people, traveling, and spending quality time with the family. When off work, Phillips loves playing sports and watching sports. Phillip is well liked by his co-workers, well respected and his interactions with them are always pleasant. He is also very passionate about what he does for a living and works towards being better at it every day.

Phillip enjoys spending time with his family. And grew up in a traditional family with five siblings.

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"When I was eleven I went to live with my grandmother who raised me and shaped me into the person I am today"says (Phillips). His grandmother made him attend church every Sunday which has played a major role in his spiritual life. "I graduated from high school when I was seventeen, applied to several colleges, and made a decision to go to Louisiana Tech University" says (Phillips). Phillip has a master's in Public health and got his bachelors in Biology. Phillips says "I wanted to become a medical doctor but I lost interest in the field and settled for biology".

"After getting my Masters in Public health, I went for an internship at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center where I was working at the Information Technology department as a Health Information Technician" said (Phillip).

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"I did not enjoy working as a public health intern because it was a lot of work and stressful" says (Phillips). Phillips says "after working as an intern for Health Information Technician , I decided to pursue the career full time because he loved the job". His job entails setting up a new electronic medical system and changing how the hospital inputs their documentation, by implementing software and building an end user profile for the doctors and nurses. After building the profile, he is required to run a test throughout the hospital to ensure the new system works. When the test is completed, he has to train all the end users on what to do and how to use the system. After the training the implementation is supported which is called the "Elbow Support" meaning he has to be present in the hospital next to the doctors and nurses and putting them through the process of how to get the system to work.

In spite of the love for his job, he faces some challenges as well as having to make some sacrifices like travelling a lot and as a result he does not get to spend quality time with his family. Also, been a contract job, there are the risks of not getting a job for a couple of weeks or months which could be tough if finances are not managed properly. Also, challenges like having to convince the hospital staff about their unwillingness to change how they document their encounters with patients. "I viewed it as a huge pushback especially when the doctors and staff do not want to change or learn a new system" says (Phillips). "In addition, managing the hospital budget and staff can be challenging especially when the hospital has limited funds to implement their new Electronic Medical Records" Says (Phillips). Phillip states "The Electronic Medical Records is a digital version of a paper chart that contains all of a patient's medical history from one practice". Although people believe the implementation of the integrated Electronic Medical Records is a way for the government to take over the hospitals, spy on them, and monitor them. Also, the belief that the Electronic Medical Records is created to treat the computers and not the patient is a huge misconception because theElectronic Medical Records helps the hospital to monitor, track, identify, and improve patient activities.

"Because of my passion for this Job and my desire to remain successful, I stay up to date by obtaining current certifications required by the demanding job and to also stay relevant" says (Phillips). Phillips says "my hard work is being rewarded with free flights when I travel on vacation, free hotel rooms, and the opportunity to meet new people". He is motivated by the hope of a better future and the way they are changing how medicine is being practiced in the United States through technology. The fact that he can impact the lives of the staff, how they practice medicine, and how they take better care of their patients is also a huge motivation for him. When asked about his secret to success, Phillips says "life is a roller coaster and nothing good comes easy, you have to remain optimistic, nothing is impossible if you make it out to be". He stays successful by loving his job, making sacrifices to master his craft being a tough job with a high turnover ratio, working hard, taking on challenges, being available for projects, and renewing his certifications every year in order to stay marketable and available for new opportunities.

"After working as a Health Information Technician for several years, I consider my major accomplishments to be the opportunity given to me to work at prestigious medical institutions all over the country and being able to join the HIT team at Duke University, University of North Carolina and many other hospitals" says (Phillips). Phillips says "I see myself being in this line of profession for a long time because the employment of health information technicians is projected to grow much faster than average for many occupations and the demand for health services is expected to increase as the population ages.'' In the near future, he wants to have his own company that hospitals would hire to maintain their electronic medical record and also be the middleman by providing contracts jobs to experts that want to work for the hospital.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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