The Animal Rights Movement

Categories: Animals Rights

A social motion is defined as a cumulative effort by a reasonably informal group of people to bring about or withstand social change. Social motions have a range of different attributes that vary in between each group; they can be big or small, brief or long term, informally or officially arranged, and can have varying degrees of company. The movement I selected to discuss in this assignment is the Animal Rights Movement. This subject is very important to me due to the fact that I highly think in the rights and flexibility for all animals, not simply my own.

I grew up in a family that always had animals in it, whether it be a pet dog, feline, hamster, bunny, or bird. I treat my own animals as if they were my own household, and that is why I am so passionate about this movement.

The social modification that the Animal Rights Movement was trying to avoid from occurring was the cruelty of animals.

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The avoidance of this very first happened in England during the19th Century, and later an anti-cruelty bill was introduced in Parliament in 1800, which was proposed to stop bull-baiting. In the future in the late 1860's, SPCA's and Human Societies started appearing in the U.S., most notably in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. These groups grew into not only implementing anti-cruelty versus animals, but also provided shelters to those injured or abandoned. These shelters are now running all over the world today, and are more successful than ever.

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I've offered at animals regional shelters near my house, and just doing that makes me feel like I am doing something favorable towards the Animal Rights Movement. Over time, the New Animal Rights Movement came about in the 1970's by thinkers Peter Singer and Tom Regan. They exceeded the idea of animal welfare to argue the case for animal rights, and their natural born rights tradition. (

I would consider this specific subject a movement due to the fact that it began about by a little group of humanitarians seeking to produce a change towards animals and how they are treated by human beings. There was a direct function and direction of banning terrible acts versus animals along with providing protection against certain scientific research in medical labs. The type of social movement I would identify it would be a reform motion.. Unlike a revolutionary movement, a reform movement makes gradual changes in society and seeks to extend an existing value system. This movement was not made about by sudden changes in animal rights. It happened gradually over time; first as an end to animal cruelty and fights, then an end to distinguishing animals as property, and finally an end to using animals as research, clothing, and good.

Some of the tools the movement used were the product of coalitions instead of single organizations. For example, “led by one-time Maritime Union reformer and left journalist Henry Spira, 400 groups in the Coalition to Stop the Draize Rabbit Blinding Test got cosmetics companies like Avon and Revlon to develop alternatives to the infamous Draize Eye Irritancy Test” ( Spira also organized his own campaign to demonstrate against animal experimentation at the American Museum of Natural History in New York in 1976, and just a year later the labs were shut down. Spira’s work and campaigns in the 1970’s and 1980’s proved to be very successful in the movement in Animal Rights.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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The Animal Rights Movement. (2016, Oct 12). Retrieved from

The Animal Rights Movement essay
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