Strategic Storytelling for Knowledge Management

In a learning organization, the conversions of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, as well as the generation of both types of knowledge, are instrumental processes that will lead to the sustained realization of its disciplines and principles. At the same time, several types of knowledge exist in a learning organization, and each type addresses a particular need that maintains the influx and generation of new ideas, insights and practices for the organization’s continued development. .

Storytelling, therefore, is a form of knowledge management undertaken by the leader (Clarke, 2004).

Renowned knowledge management expert Karl Wiig presented a paradigm of four levels of knowledge, that were constructed in order to fully realize the practical application of knowledge in organizations. This was first published by Louise Brooking in her book Corporate Memory, which was published in 1999.

They are as follows:

  1. Goal-setting or idealistic knowledge: These include corporate goals, business plans and enumeration of possible ventures that the organization may embark upon. Usually, this type of knowledge comes from the leader or the Chief Executive Officer of an organization.
  2. Systematic knowledge: This is knowledge that basically enumerates how things get done.
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    These include problem solving strategies, methodologies, and the solutions to previously expressed concerns of the organization.

  3. Pragmatic knowledge: This type of knowledge shows fundamentally acceptable behaviors in the workplace that are vital to everyday decision making.
  4. Automatic knowledge – This type of knowledge is generally job-related, and is a product of human experience.

These include, but are not limited to, personal anecdotes and retelling of individual experiences.

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All in all, storytelling can be used to convey any of these types of knowledge. It depends on how the leader decides to communicate with the use of communication in order to make these knowledge known to his members. To summarize: the leader, through storytelling, is able to transfer knowledge and make the organization that he leads an organization that is constantly learning and working together with him.

Analysis How a leader tells stories and communicates with the organization that he wants to constantly be open to learning is considered critical, since they determine the amount and relevance of ideas and insights within the organization. As such, it is important to make these types of knowledge explicit, so that they will be easily accessible for present and future members of the organization (Brooking, 1999).

This involves ensuring that the knowledge present in the organization is communicated within the organization, as an assurance of the organization’s continued progression due to the utilization of these pieces of knowledge. And the knowledge and ideas are expressed through the leader sharing them through the form of storytelling, of making use of legends, villains and narratives. A story is able to present news, information and knowledge in a specialized and streamlined manner, thus ensuring the possibility of relevance and retention among the members of the organization.

It can be exciting, dramatic and dynamic. Because of this, it may be seen that the organization may improve on achieving its goals through storytelling employed by the leader. Storytelling can be used by the leader to serve these purposes of managing knowledge, and making sure that these stories can be used to share knowledge in the organization, to inspire members to work for achieving the organization’s goals, and for ensuring that the organization undergoes constant and progressive learning.

Through the use of storytelling, messages, ideas and concepts become a part of the culture of organization. With that, storytelling is able to make sure that knowledge of previous experiences is transferred, that key ideas remain alive within the organization, and that it remains relevant, fruitful and productive. With storytelling, the leader engages the hearts and minds of the people he leads. If he tells them a great story, he is able to make the most of what he has both experienced and what he wants to do with the organization itself.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Strategic Storytelling for Knowledge Management. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Strategic Storytelling for Knowledge Management essay
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