Solutions to Improve Reading and Writing Difficulties

In the course of their education, children may encounter different challenges which may hinder normal learning. All students are in different places in their exploration languages and literacies. (Wolf, D. 2013). This may result in low progress, constant repetition of classes, and possible failures in exams if there is no careful evaluation. Therefore, it is necessary to identify causes and solutions to these challenges. Some of the factors that bar effective learning of children are illnesses. Some include autism, dyslexia, and attention hyperactive deficit disorder (ADHD).

These are either born with or acquired illnesses which affect the brains' ability to process and store information. However, some factors like constant moving, like in Cecelia's case, which may have hindered her concentration in class. This paper seeks to identify some of the issues that may be affecting her abilities in class. It will also provide possible solutions from the school nurse to both parents and teachers on how they can assist Cecelia to improve her learning.

Due to the regular moving, Cecelia may not have had adequate time to work on her reading skills.

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The constant headaches and stomachaches she develop could be as a result of two reasons. First, it could be that she has no interest in reading and makes up excuses to stop doing the tests. Secondly, it could be because she puts in a lot of concentration leading to complications in her body. Thirdly, it could be that she is experiencing poor nutrition and diminished health practices, which makes it harder for her to listen and concentrate and learn.

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(Jensen, E, 2013). Either way, she is experiencing a huge problem. Her evaluations indicate that her potential is at least to the 4th grade while she is in the 8th grade. One reason maybe that she is unmotivated because lack of hope and optimism. (Jenson, E. 2013). Therefore, she is only maximizing half of what is expected of her. Among these challenges, there is a 'green light' in the situation. As a school nurse, some of the things observed are that Cecelia is very much interested in technology. Her ability to play chess, cards, read magazines, and watch videos can be used as an advantage to help improve her learning (McCardle et al., 2001). In addition, this will trigger the release of glucose stored in the body as Glycogen. This glucose levels are associated with stronger memory and cognitive function. (Jenson, E. 2013).

However, it is imperative that she get regular checkups from her doctor. Tests can show whether she has body problems leading to constant headaches and stomachaches, which hamper her learning. Perhaps there is a problem in her body that may be causing the pains like the above-mentioned conditions. However, if no serious condition is identified, then other possible solutions can be used to assist in the improvement of her skills. First, with her interests in technology, videos related to reading and sentence structures can be shown to Cecelia. This will improve her sentence structuring, pronunciations, and improve on her overall reading and writing. Additionally, if watched on screen, Cecelia will be more interested to understand (Adebisi et al., 2015). Secondly, playing chess and cards can be effective in mathematics. These are usually games that involve numbers and strategy. Apart from the improvement of learning, they also improve her thinking strategies and her approaches to solving problems (Ziegler & Goswami, 2006). Lastly, Cecelia's teachers and parents should be encouraged to show support and help motivate her skills. Teachers and parents should strengthen their relationship with Cecelia by revealing more of themselves and learn more about Cecelia. (Jensen, E. 2013). They should make learning more of the student's idea by offering a choice and involving the student in the decision making. (Jensen, E. 2013). Emotional support is a crucial factor in a learner's ability and maybe the ultimate determinant in how Cecelia responds to her education.

In conclusion, Cecelia may be facing learning difficulties from conditions like dyslexia and ADHD, which may be hindering her education. However, it could also be as a result of lack of interests or the constant moving. Her school nurses advise both teachers and parents to take advantage of Cecelia's interest in technology like the watching of videos and playing cards to help polish her skills. Additionally, they should provide motivation through support and additional hours to help her improve her English reading, writing, and speaking.


  1. Adebisi, R. O., Liman, N. A., & Longpoe, P. K. (2015). Using Assistive Technology in Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities in the 21st Century. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(24), 14-20.
  2. Jensen, E. (2013). How poverty affects classroom engagement. Educational Leadership, 70 (8), 24-30.
  3. McCardle, P., Scarborough, H. S., & Catts, H. W. (2001). Predicting, explaining, and preventing children's reading difficulties. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 16(4), 230-239.
  4. Nation, K. (2005). Children's reading comprehension difficulties. The science of reading: A handbook, 248-265.
  5. Wolter, D. (2016). The Opportunity Gap in Literacy, Education Leadership, 74(3), 30-33. Retrieved from Direct=true &db=ehh & AN= 119446320 & site=ebhost-live & scope= site.
  6. Ziegler, J. C., & Goswami, U. (2006). Becoming literate in different languages: similar problems, different solutions. Developmental science, 9(5), 429-436.
Updated: Jun 05, 2020

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