The use of repetition

Categories: GodReligion

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and the darkness was upon the face of the deep." This is perhaps the most majestic, awe-inspiring book of The Bible; Genesis. Because the prolouge of any book is the primary impression of it's quality, it most certainly has to make a lasting impression in the reader's mind. In the first three chapters of Genesis, repitition is the method of writing that establishes its style of rhythm and flowing diction.

Despite what some may think, the redundance of the phrases in Genesis are not monotonous, but are, instead, remarkably effective. The first representation of reiteration is noted when the passage quotes God, saying, "Let there be..." This shows God's assurance in His speech. When He says this, He obviously expects a response to His words. Of course, He receives a reply. When the action becomes complete, the scripture continually states, "And it was so."

This statement proves that what God says will happen, will happen.

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Again, this shows how powerful God can be. The next phrase that is repeated throughout the passage is "...and God saw that it was good." Knowing that God is perfect, if He says "it is good," then it is probably beyond perfection. The last phrase with repetitive power are the words, "And the Lord..." This shows the audience when the Lord is about to take action. You may even say it is a form of foreshadowing. All of these phrases are examples of extreme importance to the quality of this writing.

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Repetition of them serves to create the beautiful lyrical quality of Genesis. Genesis does a distinctive job of luring readers through its style of rhythm and flowing diction in the use of repitition.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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The use of repetition. (2016, Jun 17). Retrieved from

The use of repetition essay
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