Soccer is my hobby……

Categories: Hobbies and Interests

Everybody has different hobbies that he or she would like to do for fun or relaxation. They can be either physical activities like jogging, football, swimming, skateboarding … or mental activities like reading, watching movies, playing a computer… depending on each personality. For me, soccer is my hobby because it’s part of my life and I cannot live without it. My mom told me that I liked kicking the ball around and had so much fun with it when I was only about five years old.

Since then, playing soccer is my favorite’s sport and it is my hobby whenever I have free time.

It is interesting and amazing, especially the feeling when I score a goal or my teammates do it. That feeling fulfills me like I have just archived something very important. Playing soccer also helps me to relax and be confident when I have stress and frustration. Having fun with the ball such as kicking it against the wall or trying to do some tricks, is all that I like.

Moreover, soccer is not only about passing and kicking the ball but also required a lot of thought, and some basic skills.

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So I often practice it and I feel healthy and stronger. Besides that, soccer has also taught me the spirit of teamwork and created strong sportsmanship in me. However, I not only like playing soccer but also enjoy watching a soccer game on TV.

Soccer is very popular around the world nowadays; especially, during the world cup season.

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My favorite football team is Manchester united And I am very happy when it wins. I will try and make my hobby a profession.

Updated: Feb 14, 2023
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Soccer is my hobby…… essay
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