Enhancing Efficiency: DAV's Journey with SPC

Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung (DAV) was founded in 1966. Large proportion of DAV's commercial enterprise is running in Germany where around sixty percent comprises of retail insurance handling disability earnings protection and health, assets and lifestyles coverages.

DAV dominated the industry until lately. However, this dominance of DAV is now challenged with the emergence of smaller insurance corporations. Insurance companies are witnessing an ever increased in the competition for the market proportion. There is a capability loss of market place proportion and sales for DAV.

DAV launched pilot the Process measurement improvement (PVC) - Statistical process control (SPC) program within the company, Taking the brand-new coverage set up technique team as the target.

Lot of interest has been shown in participation by many different departments, confronted several troubles, though the development gains accomplished after 12 weeks showed the venture was a hit, but the problem is a way to preserve the fulfillment ultimately, and how to make certain that the rest of the organization understands that this is a technique worth investing effort and time, and that it has proven some fantastic outcomes.

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The pilot mission has gone to too many departments, and the entire performance measurement process is not customized to each department.

It's far vital to discover the approaches of each branch and customize the dimension yards sticks to each department in line with the relevance, the extent and the importance of measuring overall performance of the chosen procedure.

Problem Statement

DAV had chosen to embrace another quality enhancement activity: PMV to keep up its conspicuous position because of the approaching rivalry and expanding client requests.

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Kluck, the designer behind Prozessmessung and Verbesserung (PMV), was head of Operation Development at Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung (DAV). The PMV venture was a progressive exertion to utilize fabricating style enhancement systems in protection administrations; it will separate DAV in the business and ideally, keep up its conspicuous position. Kluck, nonetheless, was confronting various troublesome issues with the enhancement period of the task.


The 'Procedure Measurement and Improvement', the undertaking presented an assembling style enhancement system to the protection business. Irregularities in administration quality require precise observing to check whether they are arbitrary or ordinary, of an issue.

To discover what precision levels resembled all through DAV, we thought of taking New Policy Set-up as a pilot estimation venture. The arrangement was to take an example of the work did by the partners, and utilize that example to acquire what the general precision rate was in the New Policy Set-up process.

To complete the investigation, we chose to utilize SPC which had generally been utilized in the assembling business. P-graphs are utilized to gauge execution, where an individual would quantify five parts like clockwork, and stamp the example normal and scope of the estimation on the outline. At DAV, New Policy Set-up gathering, an example of one another's work is recorded toward the finish of consistently.

Technical Analysis

The first two months of each team's project had been devoted to charting data so that the natural variance of each of the processes could be estimated. This phrase also allowed people to practice keeping SPC charts. The next phase would involve improving the process.

The management is concerned about the accuracy of data in the system, and management is keen to check the accuracy of the results and make sure that the results are maintained at a high level of accuracy.

It is my interest to make sure that the operations deliver the expected levels of accuracy in the day to day operations.

SPC is a good approach at DAV since it will encourage the data entry operators to take extra care in data entry, and it makes the team to work more closely with a quality assurance mentality, together in rectifying errors and maintaining the error-free standards.

With the availability of state of the art software systems, including scanning machines and the right people, the operation team is ready to face the challenges of SPC.

SPC is customarily utilized in the assembling business yet this can be custom-made to the administration business, however, this could turn out to be testing.

Looking at SPC application in the assembling business, to that of the administration business is harder to gauge.

The administration business is generally determined by people, and can't be maintained a strategic distance from like in the assembling business. Along these lines it makes it hard to decide how to gauge, what to quantify, what esteems are worthy and when an issue emerges.

The P charts kept up can demonstrate the advancement of a group, and they can be utilized as persuasive instruments to make the procedure increasingly productive. Then again, it could effectively affect how the administration responds to the execution of the P diagram, it is certain that legitimate arranging usage and estimation measuring sticks are basic for progress.

The sample size ought to be controlled by the group and department, as indicated by the idea of the business undertaking and the number/size of exchanges taken care of by every department. Test sizes should be sufficiently huge to discover something like three wrong things in each example, generally, there will be nothing to plot. Expecting that the benchmark of 99% exactness is right, the example sizes of 300 can be kept as the base prerequisite for the New Policy extension group.

The control limit for the process based on the 12 weeks of data is (0.0138, 0.907). This is calculated as below:

Total error = 188

p=Total error/Total sample size = 188/3600 = .0522

variance = p(1-p)/300 = 0.000165

S.D = sq.rt.(0.0000165) = 0.0128

LCL = .0522 - 3(0.0128) = .0138

UCL = .0522 + 3(0.0128) = .0907

Range (.0138, .0907)

The process goes out of control in the 23rd and 24th weeks.

DAV experienced various issues in the arrangement of the SPC program. On the off chance that these variables are prudently dealt with, SPC can be made a successful instrument for enhancing DAV efficiency, consistency benefit unwavering quality, and consumer loyalty. Below we discussed the problem and how to overcome those problem: Better teams do more sampling.

A portion of the better-performing groups had issues with the higher sample estimate. The sample estimate was around 300 mulling over the benchmark of 1 percent error and max. 3 errors for every sample. The benchmark can be loosened up a bit at the early period of the program to lessen the outstanding task at hand set on the representatives. When the framework is set up, the benchmark can be enhanced to give better quality after some time. Rather than endeavoring to enhance the quality at one shot, this can be taken up as an iterative procedure.

When is a mistake not a mistake? When it's not important

The meaning of different variables that are considered must be clarified. On the off chance that any factor does not influence the nature of administration (from the client point of view) on a detectable dimension, don't consider.

Measuring lawyers

It is very difficult to factor in lawyers into the SPC process. Hence, DAV should not consider lawyers for the SPC process.

Automatic charting

Once the management gets SPC ingrained in its system, it should work on an automation tool which will relax the workload on the employees. The focus on SPC takes the focus away from the customer service, which is the primary task for the employees in DAV. Hence by developing an automation tool, the amount of effort spent by the employees on SPC process will decrease.

Communicate the importance of SPC program to the employees

Certain excerpts in the case show that not all the employees are convinced that SPC will work. They just consider them as an extra workload dumped by the management on them. Hence, the management has to organize presentations and training programs to communicate the importance of SPC by focusing on the objective of the program. DAV needs all the employees to accept SPC for it to succeed.


Below recommendations will help in simplifying the implementation within the organization and positively impacts the realization of customer satisfaction levels.

Team selection for process improvement.

Critical process measures identification.

Sample size determination for each department accounting the type of work, volume and its priority.

Interval selection for measurement.

Planning a sampling process to assure accuracy and consistency in sampling

Monitoring system creation.

Consistently monitor and recognize enhancements for the procedure.

When the essential enhancements are our group will have the capacity to utilize the data recuperated from the enhanced pilot to distinguish factors influencing the information section, and creative approaches to enhance the execution of the procedures.

When its effectively executed inside the New strategy set up the group we can extend it to whatever is left of the association also. furthermore, reaching out to whatever is left of the organization


DAV had worries on consumer loyalty, and losing piece of the pie with expanding rivalry, the activities group presented the new execution checking framework called SPC that has been utilized in the assembling business. The experimental run program demonstrated effective however it had numerous worries with numerous divisions getting engaged with the pilot procedure. There were two or three worries from the workers and few worries about different other estimation measuring sticks.

With these issues distinguished tended to in the second stage, it is conceivable to demonstrate that the SPC framework fits in well with the protection business and has had a beneficial outcome on the center abilities of consumer loyalty at DAV.


  • Constructing and Using Process Control Charts (2007) Harvard Business School, 9 (686-1180 Upton, D. (1997) Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung. Harvard Business School, 9 (696-084).
  • Deutsche Exec Summary (wikispace.com/Deutsche+Exec+Summrary)


Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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