The Value of Technical Education: a Path to Efficiency

I believe technical education is more of an important possession to society than liberal arts instructional fields. Technical schools offer task specific coursework which are usually tasks that are high in demand. When it comes to the cost of your tuition, its way cheaper than a 4 year college. Technical schools cost less than many colleges. It takes less time to finish since you don't need to take 2 years of history and English courses for a basic profession like ending up being a massage therapist.

You invest more time truly discovering things about the field, while others in traditional colleges remain in a class.

According to Mech Institute 23.6% trainees take 7yrs to obtain a bachelor's degree, and expense double the tuition to go to get a liberal education than a technical education.

You learn in a more hands on way. You learn from a person who is a master in the field you're discovering about. Technical colleges offer apprenticeships and when finished with training you will be able to do the jobs needed to be done.

You can go right to work without any additional training.

For employers this is huge because a lot of companies spend a lot of money training employees that sometimes just quit.

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It costs employers a lot of money to train people just for them to quit over time. Traditional colleges are not for everyone. Technical colleges are offering a wide variety of career paths to choose from. Your classes are made to learn you about the career field you choose to major in.

Technical education is a great way to start a good career.

You can choose a career and learn the skills needed for it.

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If you want to have your dream job sooner without the years it takes in a traditional college technical education is for you. You learn what is needed in order to succeed.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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The Value of Technical Education: a Path to Efficiency essay
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