Short stories can be remarkably effective

Categories: Short Story


'Short stories can be remarkably effective' this statement is proved very successful by the short story 'One of These Days' by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Marquez uses descriptive language, metaphors and various other techniques, which give 'One of These Days' its unique effect.

'One of These Days' has a gripping and effective opening making the reader want to read on. Immediately in a very short space of time Marquez introduces the main character and describes the 'warm and rainless day', which comes across as unusual and also ties in with the title! When Marquez describes the dentist, 'Aurelio Escovar' you get a very vivid image of his 'erect and skinny' appearance, without giving too much away leaving the reader asking questions.

There are many themes suggested by Marquez in 'One of These Days'.

A theme of importance, success and wealth is introduced when the fact that the dentist is wearing a 'gold stud' is mentioned.

There is also a very opposite theme of poverty.

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This theme is questioned when you find out that the dentist is working 'without a degree'. This brings the reader to wonder what kind of community the dentist is living in if he is working as an unqualified dentist.

Mystery and tension is added to the story when the dentist 'arranges his instruments in size order as if they were on display' giving the impression that he is a neat, particular and anxious person waiting for something bad to happen. The dentist comes across as a very negative and grumpy person; this is shown when he has 'the idea that, before lunch it would rain again'.

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The fact that the dentist is using a manual drill brings up the theme of poverty or maybe the story is set in a different country or maybe early in the nineteenth century.

A theme of death and past anger is introduced later on in the story when Marquez mentions 'pensive buzzards' impending doom and symbolising death, this makes the story become more unpredictable and exciting for the reader. This theme carries on as the first bit of direct speech starts; this is one of the most important parts of 'One of These Days' as you come to understand the relationship between the dentist and the mayor. When the dentist refuses to see the mayor the reader gets the impression that something has happened between the two in the past and a sense of tension builds up. This is also reflected on the fact that the dentists first words to the mayor are 'sit down' he does not greet him in any other way. The dentist seems in control of the mayor, as he stays calm throughout the conversation with his son regarding the mayor. Marquez adds excitement and suspense to the story when the mayor threatens to shoot the dentist while the dentist reaches for his own gun and just replies 'Come shoot me' this also suggests that the dentist has stopped caring and he is very relaxed and calm or maybe he knows that the mayor will not shoot him as he needs his help!

The language that Marquez uses

The mayor seems desperate with 'a five day old beard' and 'many nights of desperation in his eyes' this brings up the fact that the mayor has been scared to come to the dentist for help and suffered in pain waiting to pluck up the courage to go and see him. The language that Marquez uses is an important aspect of 'One of These Days' making it so successful. Just one example of this is when Marquez replaces the word 'head' with 'skull' bring in the theme of death. Marquez adds more excitement to the story when he tells the mayor that he has to have his tooth pulled without an anaesthetic, possibly implying that the dentist wants to see the mayor suffer and go through a lot of pain.

Throughout the story the dentist plays mind games with the mayor, this is suggested by small things like not returning smiles. The story begins to unfold and the reader finds out that the mayor has done something bad in the past. You find this out when the dentist says 'Now you'll pay for our twenty dead men'. The whole truth is not told in order to mystify the reader and keep them reading on to find out the whole story to the hatred.

The dentist enjoys the fact that when he pulls the mayor's tooth his 'eyes fill with tears' he is putting the mayor through as much pain as he possibly can and he is enjoying the sight of it! The dentist keeps in control of the situation, instead of laughing at the mayors pain he tells him 'to dry his tears'. The dentist keeps all his satisfaction hidden and disagrees to sinking to the mayor's level.

'The crumbling ceiling and a dusty spider web with spiders eggs and dead insects' is a representative for the town. Marquez cleverly added in this metaphor to state the situation, which the dentist is in. The spider's web is associated with the town whilst the spider represents the mayor and the dead insects the town's people that have rebelled against the mayor. Is the dentist fighting a losing battle?


The roles of power switch over at the end of the story. Throughout the mayors pain the dentist has had all of the power, but when the treatment is over the mayor regains his power. The mayor comes across as arrogant and careless. When the mayor says 'send the bill' the reader gets the impression that the mayor is not willing to pay for the treatment out of his own money, he seems ungrateful to the dentist. The dentist knows that he will always lose the battles against the mayor he has less power and no matter what he does to the mayor he will always lose!

The fact that 'Short stories can be remarkably effective' is greatly backed up by the excellently written 'One of These Days'. It leaves the reader with mixed emotions, anger and hatred for the mayor and sympathy for the dentist. There is so much more to the story that what is written down, from reading 'One of These Days' you come to understand the characteristics and emotions of each character!

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Short stories can be remarkably effective essay
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